Hercules Mulligan X Pregnant!Reader - What Happened?

493 10 1

Female Reader
Modern AU
Trigger Warning: a bit of swearing
Mentions: sex, people being drunk
Prompt: 25. "What happened?"
Requested By: No one

— Hercules' POV —

It's been about two months since the party and I haven't seen (Y/n) since. Where has she been? Did something happen that night? I didn't remember anything from the party so I wanted kinda wanted answers, but unfortunately the boys barely remember that night and the Schuylers weren't even there. So I tried to get answers from (Y/n). I've been texting and calling her, but she just leaves my messages on read and hangs up my calls.

At first I didn't worry to much about it, I thought she was busy with work so I didn't want to intrude. After a months though I started texting and calling and like I said before she just left me on read and hung up my calls. I started talking to the others after a few more weeks, the guys said that she wasn't talking to them either but she was talking to the Schuylers. They said something had happened and she doesn't want to tell us yet, which made me more worried. I kept trying to talk to her but she wouldn't budge. It's been two months now and I've had enough, I had to see her again. It's been too long.

I pulled up in front of her house and got out of my car. I look and see someone peaking out the window, I couldn't make out who it was but I'm pretty damn sure it's (Y/n). I walk up to her door and knock.
"(Y/n)? I know you're home. Open the door" I continue to knock.
I hear a bunch of scrambling around behind the door.
"Go away..." I hear a quiet voice say, it sounds like (Y/n).
"I'm not going anywhere, (Y/n). Let me in" I demand.
"N-no..." I hear her tremble.
"Why not? The guys and I haven't seen you in months and your stressing us out!" I yell.
"H-Herc everything is fine- j-just go please..." I could tell she was holding back tears.
"(Y/n), everything is not fine! I haven't seen you in two months! I've been worried sick!" I yell.
I hear her starting to cry. Shit- why the fuck did I yell?
"(Y/n)..." I sigh, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled. It's just been so long since I've seen you..."
"I-I'm sorry H-Herc" she speaks in between sobs.
"(Y/n) please... just open the door."
She lets out a shaky sigh and opens the door. I look at the woman, she had wrapped herself in a blanket hiding her figure. She had tear stained cheeks and her eyes were red.
"(Y/n)....." next thing I knew she collapsed in my arms crying.
"I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry..." I hear her whisper into my chest.
"(Y/n)... you didn't do anything wrong" I get her to look at me.
"Here how about we both sit down and talk about what's been going on" she nods her head and moves into her house but in all honesty I would've loved to keep her in my arms.
I follow her to the couch and sit with her. I look around the place and nothing has really changed to my relief, I would be devastated to find (Y/n) a complete mess. I mean she's a mess now but from what it looks like she's been taking care of herself.

I focus my attention back to (Y/n) who's still wrapped in her blanket.
"So what happened?" I ask her.
She let's out a quivering sigh. "Well something happened at the party.... this guy and I were very drunk and...."
"Y-you had sex with this guy?" I asked her.
She nods her head slowly while looking down.
"(Y/n) it was just a fling- it doesn't mean anything-" I explain to her.
"T-there's more...." she says quietly.
I stop and look at her a bit nervous. "W-what else happened?"
"W-well since we were drunk we weren't exactly thinking straight a-and the guy decided not to use protection...."
"Oh my God.... a-are you?" she slowly removes the blanket from around her to reveal her own baby bump.
"Holy shit..." I mutter.
"D-do you know who the dad is?" I ask her nervous and she slowly nods her head.
"Do they know?" she nods again.
"B-but I don't think they want to it though...." she says quietly.
"They don't?"
"W-well I don't think they do..."
"Well who's the dad?" I ask her.
She looks down at the ground. "(Y/n)?"
"I-it's yours...."
My eyes widen and I look at her seeing if she's actually serious. She doesn't even meet my gaze.
"I-I don't think I can raise a child on my own Herc..." she starts to cry.
"Y-you think I would abandon you?" she slowly nods.
With that I quickly pull her into hug. "I would never do that to you (N/n).... I love you..."
I stop realising what I said and pull away from the hug to see her staring at me in shock.
"Y-you do?"
"U-uhh... y-yeah.. I have for a while actually" I smile slight with a slight blush coming to my face.
"I-I love you too...." I look at her surprised but next thing I knew she pulled me into kiss.

We both slowly pull away.
"D-does this mean we're a thing now?" I ask her nervously.
She giggles. "Well I am carrying your child."
I smile at her and wrap my arms around her waist. "Right"


Word Count: 934

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