Aaron Burr X Reader - Jealousy

516 7 6

Female Reader
Modern/Highschool AU
Trigger Warning: none- I hope
Prompt: 9. "Are you jealous?" "NO!!"
Requested By: Togalogy101 (MY BRO!)
This fanfiction contains a bit of James X Aaron, so shippers that think is horrible... beware~

— (Y/n's) POV —

My blood boiled as I watched James and Aaron flirt with each other. They'd only been together for two weeks and it's like they're connected to the hip, every time I would try to talk to Aaron, James would distract him so I never get to talk to him now. Now Aaron was my best friend and I wanted him to be happy, but I thought I'd be that person to make him happy and I truely thought I was. Judging by his recent shyness I thought he felt the same but I guess I was wrong. God I sound so selfish!

I sigh as I look down and walk past Aaron and James to my next class, which happened to have Aaron in it... great.
"Hey (Y/n) wait up!" I hear Aaron call out to me.
I ignore his request and continue to walk but he ended up catching up anyways.
"Thanks for stopping for me- not! Why didn't you wait?"
I don't bother to look up at, as much as my heart wanted to, I didn't.
"I just don't want to be late for class is all" I say nonchalantly.
"Still you could've waited a bit for your best friend" he says and laughs while his words stabbed me in the chest in the process.
I remain quiet after that and his laughs die down.
"Is there something wrong?" He asks worry in his voice.
"No- everything is fine" I lie still not meeting his eyes.
I could tell he was suspicious, I didn't even had to look at him, but he remained silent like I did.
We both quietly walk into class together and I look up and see my best friend, Angelica. Oh thank god. I quickly walk over to her and take a seat.
"Oh thank god you're here Angelica, I would have died if it was just me and Aaron" I whisper to her.
She laughs, "you're gonna die either way, before you walked over to me I think Aaron wanted to say something to you."
I see her smirk and I sink down in my chair.
"Oh come on (N/n), you weren't gonna keep this up forever you're terrible at hiding your feelings" she smiles her devilish smile at me.
I send a glare in her direction.
She laughs again and I just sigh as Mr. Franklin walked into the room and started the class.

👌👌 Time Skip brought to you by our smexy salty boi 👌👌

The bell finally rings and Mr. Franklin dismisses the class. I sigh and start to pack up my things when I notice Aaron walking towards me. I start to internally panic and turn to Angelica for help, but she was already gone. Shit.
"(Y/n)?" I look up and see Aaron looking at me a hint of worry in his eyes.
"U-umm yes Aaron?" I ask nervously.
"Can we talk?" He asks.
I look around and notice we're the only people in the class.
"Umm... I-I guess?" I stutter.
"Ok I haven't been 100% honest with you.... about me and James" he says looking down slightly.
"Y-you haven't?" I ask while stuttering.
"Yeah.... James and I aren't even together- he's actually with Thomas..." he awkwardly laughs while scratching the back of his neck.
Oh my god he's so cute...
"Then why did you pretend to be together?" I ask curiously.
"Well it wasn't exactly my choice... you see I kind of like this girl and I wasn't sure if she liked me back or not, so Thomas came with the idea that I pretend to date James to see if she gets jealous" he explains taking a step closer.
"Oh.... well did she get jealous?"
"Well she seems a bit jealous but I thought I should ask her first..... so... are you jealous?" he asks a smirk spreading across his face.
My face turns bright red and I spoke before I could think.
"NO!!" I yell while my face was on fire.
Aaron started to laugh at me as continued to grow more flustered.
"STOP LAUGHING AARON!! IT'S NOT FUNNY" I yell punching him lightly in the chest.
"I-I'm sorry it's just-" he continues to laugh.
I cross my arms and turn away from Aaron then I feel his arms wrap around me.
He places his head on top of mine, "I love you (Y/n)..."
I sigh and lean back onto his chest, "I love you too...."


Word Count: 751

Ok I was just re-reading a one-shot book and then realised that my first two one-shots are almost exactly like two chapters from their book.
I swear to you all it's just a coincidence.

Also you're welcome Togalogy101

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