Philip Hamilton X Reader - Player {1}

363 6 2

Female Reader
Modern/College AU
Trigger Warnings: mentions of sex, light lemon, swearing and is kinda angsty
Prompt: 44. "I can't do this..."
Requested by: No one

— (Y/n's) POV —

It was the same thing every month with Philip Hamilton and I.
He'd get with a random girl.
Date/Fuck her for a few weeks.
Brake it off with her, saying something like 'he doesn't feel it anymore'.
Come crying to me, since he felt bad for the girl.
Then he'd fuck me....
I suppose at first it didn't mean much to me, that was until I started to develop feeling for him.
Every girl he ended up being with was better and prettier than the last and yet he always came back to me, I never understood why. Maybe he wanted to torture and hurt me.... and here I thought I was his best friend. I guess not.
With every new girl he brought to the dorm the more I felt my heart break, but it's gotten so bad that I started to feel dull to it and I didn't want to. I love Philip more than anything, but with our relationship being like this I don't know how I'm supposed to feel.
If Philip really does care, he should've noticed how he's making me feel now... right?

I let out a sigh as I hear a knock on the door. I already knew who it was. I'm pretty sure the last girl he was with was some girl named Samantha (sorry if this is your name but this was the top name that came up for most attractive girl names) I think. Oh now I remember her, the cute busty blonde girl. Of course.
I get up from my place on my couch and make my way towards the door. I open it and see Philip, surprisingly enough not crying.
"Hey (Y/n)....." he says looking at me slightly embarrassed.
I let out another sigh and grabbed Philip by the collar and dragging him in. He seemed to be a bit surprised by my actions as I push him down on the couch and straddle him.
I was in the middle taking off my shirt when Philip immediately stopped me.
"Wow wow wow w-what are you doing?" Philip asks slightly flustered.
"Taking my clothes off... w-wait you don't want to have sex?" I ask.
"No why the hell would I? I wanted to tell you that I got a new girlfriend" Philip says moving me off him.
"Oh..." I look down at the ground kind of upset.
"Yeah and I really think she is the one this time" he smiles down at me.
"You say that all the time..." I mumble.
"What was that (N/n)?" I hear Philip ask.
"I said, you say that all the time!" I shout.
"W-what? N-no I don't..." He mumbled kind of startled by my sudden outburst.
"Yes you do!! You always say that you've finally found the one but you break up with them like a month later and then you come and fuck me to get your mind off them..." I was on the verge of tears, I just wanted to run into his arms and cry.
But I'm not going to do that.
"(N-N/n).." he went to hug me but I push him away.
"Philip I can't do this... I can't bare you just using me for pleasure every time you get hurt by a women. I'm done!" I stand up wiping the tears from my face.
"W-what do you mean?"
"I mean... I-I can't continue this friendship if this is how it is going to be... it hurts me too much."
I turn to look at Philip to see him staring at me wide eyed.
"(Y-Y/n) no- please I can't lose my best friend!" Philip yelled grabbing my hand.
I look down, I'm only his friend.. of course.
I pull my hand away from his, "I think you should go..."
"No (Y/n)!"
"I said leave Philip!!" I yell at him.

Philip looked at me shocked and I could see the hurt in his eyes. He slowly walked out of the room his head hanging low, he turned back to look at me seeing if I was joking or not. I didn't say anything as he finally left my apartment. I let out a cry as soon as the door shut, what did I do?

— Philip POV —

I heard (Y/n) cry as I left her apartment, it broke my heart to hear her cry. I wanted to go in and hug her, tell her that it was all ok... but I don't think it is. I screwed up and I gotta fix this.

Word Count:771

Hey y'all!
Wow- how the fuck do I nearly have 1K reads like... what? You serious?
Well I'm very grateful for all you lovely people reading this book since I never thought this many people would be like this book.

Anyway I wanna sleep- BYE BYE

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