George Washington X Reader - Red Faced

405 8 5

Filipino Female Reader
Trigger Warnings: nothing.
Prompt: 65. "Heya cutie~"
66. "Are you talking to me?"
71. "Because I love you *insert name here*....."
Requested by: Bubble_BathNugget

"Requested by: Bubble_BathNugget

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— George's POV —

It was just a normal day as I made my way to the staff room with coffee in hand. No one else was usually here this early other than Samual Adams the maths teacher, who usually was passed out drunk since he drinks as soon as school finishes (You see what I did there), so I wasn't expecting anyone to be in the staff room.
When I walked into the staff room though I was met with a beautiful Filipino girl, with (long/short) (h/c) hair and (light/dark) sparking (e/c) eyes. I drop my coffee cup both in shock about how beautiful this woman was and in surprise since I didn't expect anyone to be here. The cup broke on the ground, the girl jumped and turned towards me. My face turned bright red.
"Oh- Heya cutie~"
"I-I'm so sorry y-you just startled me a-and- Wait.... are you talking to me?" I said as I start to pick up the pieces of my broken coffee cup.
I heard her giggle an angelic giggle as she walked over and helped.
"I don't think there's anyone else here so... yes" she smiled up at me.
My face went even more red, if that's even possible, as I kneel in front of this woman stunned.
"So what's your name cutie" she asked still smiling.
"G-George Washing-Machine- I-I mean G-George Washington" I stutter out.
She let out a laugh, "Well nice to meet you George Washing-Machine I'm (Y/n) (L/n)."
"(Y/n) (L/n).... you mean the new English teacher?" I question.
"Yep that's me! But from what I know there's another one right?" she looked at me a questioning look on her adorable face.
"O-oh umm yes hehe... that happens to be me..." I said scratching the back of my neck.
"Oh that's great! We can work together then!" She said with a smile.
"W-work... t-together?" my face felt like it was on fire as I look at this woman.
"Yeah! Unless you don't want to of course..." she said a slight blush forming on her face as she fiddled with some of her hair.
"No no no no it's not like I don't want to i-it's just umm..." I try to think of something as she looked up at me with her sparkling eyes.
"You know what? I-I love yo- to!! Love to! I'd love to work with you" I try to play off my mistake.
She smiled brightly, "great!"
I was about to say something but a few other teachers walk in and none other than John Adams walked up to her.
"Miss (L/n) so nice to see you, would you like me to take you to your class room?" Adams asked a slight smirk on his face.
"Oh that would be great John," she turns and looks at me "I'll see you later washing machine."
The two of them walk out of the leaving me red faced.
"Fuck..." I muttered.

~ Time Skip brought to you by flustered Washington ~

It has been 5 months since I first met (Y/n) and my god I've just fallen more and more in love with her. She's just so amazing and we have so much in common!
Our favourite TV show is (F/s), we both like (F/b) and we both just love Disney. Hell we're even having a Disney movie marathon tonight and I'm so excited. It'll be the first time I see her out of work all casual and stuff.
I let out a dreamy sigh as the debate club debates on the random topic I gave them.
"Mr. Washington!" I hear Alexander yell causing me to jump.
I looked at the 7 boys in front of me, them each all staring at me causing me to blush a bit.
"Y-yes Alexander?" I asked him trying to ignore my embarrassment.
"Were you even listening sir?" He asked slightly annoyed.
"Umm.... yes?" I lie while innocently smile.
Aaron let out a quiet laugh, "were you thinking about Miss. (L/n) again?"
I immediately go red as Aaron begins to smirk and the others look confused.
"Wait the new English teacher Miss (L/n)? You like her!?!?" John yells to which Hercules and Lafayette quickly shut him up.
"To be honest I don't blame you Mr. Washington, she is quite the looker" Thomas smirked.
"That's a bit inappropriate to say about a teacher, in FRONT of a teacher Jefferson" Alexander glared at him.
Thomas glared straight back at him.
"Wait I thought she was Mr. Adams" I hear John say.
"W-what? N-no... they're not... they're just friends" Washington said looking down.
As Lafayette was about to speak (Y/n) opened the door.
"Hey Washing-machine! Oh am I interrupting something?" She asked looking at the group of students.
"Uhh ye-"
"Nope! We were all just leaving" Hercules interrupts me as all the students start to walk out.
"You two have fun on your date!" Lafayette yelled causing both (Y/n) and I to blush.
"Well then hehe... what an interesting group they are huh?" She looked at me scratching the back of her neck.
I awkwardly chuckle, "y-yep..."
"Well... shall we go to your place then? I don't want to keep those amazing Disney movies waiting" she smiles at me.
"R-right let's go then" I say as I pack up my things.

~ Time Skip brought to you by DiDnEy ~

I was sitting on the couch starting to watch the movie, while (Y/n) got changed into more comfortable clothes. I would've waited but she insisted I start without her.
As the first song from Beauty and The Beast starts, I hear (Y/n) walk out.
"Oh my god Beauty and The Beast! I love this movie!"
"Heh I'm gla-" I turn to look at her and see what she's wearing.
She's wearing an over-sized sweater and a pair of short-shorts. I immediately go red at the sight of her and quickly look back at the movie.
She giggled and took a seat next to me, "you alright there Washing-machine?"
"U-uhh y-yep just fine..." I try to cover my red face.
"I don't know if I believe you..." I feel her wrap her arms around one of mine, causing me to get more flustered.
"W-well you definitely should- I-I have nothing to lie about" I face away from her so she doesn't notice my face.
"Then why don't you look at me?" I feel her hand placed on my thigh and she gently rubbed it.
"Oh god-" I muttered to myself.
I couldn't take it anymore. I quickly turn my head and pull her into a passionate kiss.
When I realised what I'd done, I immediately freak out. I was about to pull away when I feel her wrap her arms around my neck as she kissed back.
We stayed like that for a bit until we had to pull apart and breath.
"Now why did you do that?" She smirked with a slight blush on her face.
"because I love you (y/n)...." I mumbled.
"You what Washingmachine?
I sighed, "because I love you (Y/n)."
All she did was smile at me.
"D-do you like me back?"
She giggled and kissed my cheek, "what do you think?"


Word Count: 1210

Wow that took wayyy too long
I'm so sorry for the wait

Also I hoped you enjoyed this Bubble_BathNugget

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