Alexander Hamilton X Reader - Where were you? {1}

384 5 14

Female Reader
Trigger Warnings: being neglected, arguing, kinda angstttttt
Prompt: 15. "Are you ok?" "DO I LOOK OK!?"
84. "You don't care about me at all..." "That's not true" "Then why would you do this?"
Requested by: No one

— (Y/n's) POV —

Work. Work. Work. That's all it is with Mr. Non-Stop Alexander Hamilton. He barely leaves his desk and it frustrates me SO MUCH!!
The only time he will get up is when he needs the bathroom. He use to come out for coffee but he put a coffee machine in his office so he doesn't need to come out to get it anymore.
It's different today though! It's my birthday today and he promised me he'd go out to dinner with me. Finally I get to see him out of his office and out with me!! It's been so long since that's happened.
Ok. So today I'm spending this morning with the Schuylers and Maria, the afternoon with Thomas, James and Aaron and then the rest of the night with Alex. Today is gonna be great!

~Morning with the Schuylers + Maria~

"You guys are the sweetest!" I smile putting presents they got me aside.
"Aww it's no problem (N/n), anything for our best friend" Eliza smiles at me.
Maria nods her head as she ate some of the bacon off her plate.
"You look so happy today (Y/n), I haven't seen you smiling so much in ages" Angelica smiles at me making me giggle.
"Well I mean.... I did finally persuade someone to get out of their office and have dinner with me."
"Really! That's great! I'm glad Alexander is finally getting out.... you are talking about him right?" Peggy smiled nervously.
I let out a laugh and nod my head, "yes Peggy that's who I'm talking about."
"Well good riddance. That man needs to get out more" Angelica laughed quietly to herself.
"Couldn't agree more, the man may as well be a vampire at this point" I joke making everyone laugh.
"Anyway we're happy you could get Alexander to do something other than work, I hope you both have fun tonight" Angelica winks at me.
I start to blush leading to the other girls giggling.

~Afternoon with SMFDR~

"Now look who's a year older and yet still looking gorgeous" Thomas smirks letting me into their house.
I giggle as I walk in, "it's nice to see you too Tommy."
Despite Alex's negative relationship with Thomas, James and Aaron, I still manage to be very close friends with them. Much to Alex's dismay.
"So I'm hoping you didn't plan make and cheese for lunch Thomas" I look up at the taller man.
"I mean... that's what I was planning to do but James wouldn't let me near the kitchen..." Thomas looks down in embarrassment.
"Good riddance!" I hear Aaron yell from upstairs causing me to giggle again.
"Shut up Aaron!!" Thomas yells back causing me to burst out laughing.
God these guys are amazing, I just don't understand why Alexander hates them.
I smile at the thought of Alex, I can't wait until tonight.

~Now Alexander~

It's finally time for my dinner with Alex and I was so excited. It feels like it's been forever since our last date and I'm finally getting one! His friends said that I'd meet him at the park so, I quickly got myself ready and headed over. I had the dumbest smile on my face, I was that giddy.
God I got to pull it together.

I sat down at the park bench and waited for Alexander, heh I just realised this is where we first met. Maybe he wants to do something really special for me?
I checked the time,
He should be here any minute now.
I sat there and patiently waited...

And waited....

....... and waited......

I checked the time once again,
I sighed, he isn't coming, I may as well go to the Schuyler's place.

— Alexander's POV —

I let out a long yawn, god I couldn't wait to go out with my lovely (Y/n).
I looked at how much I wrote, "alright one more paragraph then I'm done and I only have...."
I checked the time and my eyes immediately widen, "NO TIME!! OH MY GOD I'M SO LATE!!"
I quickly got up and got into some nice clothes, this had to be perfect even though I'm already an hour late.
I sprinted out of the house and went straight to the park, she had to be here still.
I looked everywhere but she was no where to be seen.
I felt tears build up in my eyes, letting out a small cry knowing I screwed another date night and on her birthday for goodness sake.
I pulled out the small box in my pocket, "of course I had to screw up everything...."

Word Count: 773

Sorry for this taking so long.
I don't have much of an excuse other than a huge writers block and a bunch of other things.
But I ain't boring you with that cause I have to publish this-
Sooo bye!!

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