Poly!Hamilsquad X Reader - Completely Stunning

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Female Reader
Modern AU
Trigger Warnings: lemon, fluff
Prompt: 8. "Why's everyone staring at me?"
Requested by: No one

— (Y/n's) POV —

"(Y/n) I can't believe you like four guys!" Peggy shouts.
I quickly tell her to shush as a light pink makes its way to my cheeks.
"Keep it down Peggy and don't judge me! They're all just so.... incredible" I let out a dreamy sigh.
Now most would call it weird to like four dudes at the same time but these guys were the most attractive guys around.
You're probably wondering who they are... well they are Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan and Marquis De Lafayette.
They are my best friends and they are the hearts in everyone's eyes. (If that makes sense)
Guys and girls would swoon over them every time they would see them, the boys being who they are would usually flirt with the smitten people, which I may or may not have got jealous about it but to be honest I can't blame them, if I was that attractive I would do the same.
They were all so amazing.

I hear Peggy sigh as I started to go a bit red, since I started to day dream a bit.
"You're so weird" she says sarcastically.
"Stop judging me Peggy!" I shout at her.
"I'm not judging just being honest" she smiles.
I roll my eyes and respond sarcastically, "sure."
She lets out a laugh then stops for a moment.
"You're seeing them today aren't you?" she asks curiously.
"Umm... yes?" I question her.
She smirks, "well do you want to impress them?"
"I guess?"
"Then let's doll you up and make you look more beautiful than you already do" she smiles at me.
Oh boy...

~ Time Skip brought to you by Peggy. Just Peggy. ~

"Done!" Peggy shouts with a smile.
I look at myself in the mirror and god I can barely tell it's me, since I don't wear make up often and wear clothes like this.
God this is revealing, thankfully it's still comfortable and to be honest I do look amazing in it.
"Wow..." I say amazed.
"You're welcome sweetie, now time to go get your men.... or man... whoever you end up with" she said and pushes me out the door.
"Umm... ok then I guess I'll just quickly text them to say-"
"Already done it! Now go!!" Peggy yelled pushing me out the door.
I let out a sigh as I begin to walk to their place, these are the times I'm glad they live close.

As I'm walking though, I start to get a bit nervous. What if they don't like what I'm wearing? Was it too slutty? Too revealing? Not cute enough.
As these anxieties kept running though me as I made it to the boys apartment.
I took a deep breath and knocked on the door, only to be immediately opened by the one and only Hercules.
"Hey (N/n)! How are-" Hercules stopped talking and started to stare at me, his face slowly going red.
"U-Umm... are you ok Herc?"
He quickly shook his head snapping himself out of his... trance? It didn't get rid of his red face though.
"U-uhh.. yeah! J-just fine" he cleared his throat, "c-come in."
That's weird... Hercules is stuttering and... is he flustered?! Oh crap did I do something wrong already?!
I walk into their place to see the other three boys cuddling on the couch, oh my god they're so cute!!
Hercules cleared his throat, "g-guys! (Y/n) is here."
They all turn and face me, all about to say something but stop when they look at me.
"U-umm... hi guys."
The three of them kept staring as each of their faces went a dark shade of red.
"Umm..." I turn to Hercules to see he's staring at me too, "why's everyone staring at me?"
They shake their heads out of their daze.
"U-umm sorry mon amour- AMI! Mon ami... we just uhh- g-got distracted.." Laf stuttered out.
Oh god... he's stuttering too.
"Oh umm... b-by what exactly?" I ask and they all went quiet, "i-is it me? Am I doing something wrong?"
They were all quick to get up and deny such claims.
"Non non! Mon amour you did nothing wrong!" Lafayette yelled
"You could never to anything wrong love.." Hercules mumbled.
"You're too sweet to do anything wrong!" John and Alexander said at the same time.
I began to blush, oh my god these boys...
I decided to ignore all of that, "l-let's just watch a movie."
They all quickly nodded their heads and scrambled back to the couch

We were half way through the movie and I still felt like everyone is watching me, but every time I look at them they're looking at the movie. Am I just being paranoid?
I feel John lean on my shoulder, his head in the crook of my neck.
I began to blush again, oh god...
"I can move if you want" I hear John whisper.
I quickly shack my head, "n-no, it's fine."
He began to smirk for some reason and continued to watch the movie.
After a few minutes I start to feel light kisses on my neck which causes me to go red.
"(Y/n)? Are you ok?" I hear Hercules ask.
I glance at him for a second before quickly nodding, trying to not get John noticed.
He doesn't go unnoticed though as Hercules smirks and joins in.
I bit my lip as to keep me quiet since Lafayette was asleep and Alexander just... wasn't paying attention.
I can't keep quiet for long as I feel Hercules lightly bite my neck, no doubt to try and get a reaction out of me. It did.
I let out a quiet moan which gets Alexander's attention.
"What do you guys think you're doing?" I looked at Alexander to see he's smirking.
Oh no...

~ Time Skip brought to you by the lack of Hamilsquad smut ~

I slowly wake up the next morning, feeling different pairs of arms around my body.
I immediately went red when I finally remembered everything.
They. Fucked. Me.
With consent of course, but wow.
I didn't expect this.
I sit up and look around at the four boys, they looked so peaceful...
After a few minutes John woke up, "good morning sweetie."
"U-Umm.. good morning?" I say while blushing a bright red.
"Sleep well?" he asked and I quickly nodded my head.
He smiled, "that's good."
We were quiet for a few minutes.
"So about last night..." I mumble, "w-was that a one time thing or??"
"A one time- no of course not!" He yelled waking up the other boys.
"Jooohhnn no yelling.." I hear Lafayette groan.
"(Y/n) thought this was a one time thing!"
"What?" I hear the three of them say.
"Why would you think that?" Alexander asked resting on my shoulder.
"I-I don't know I-I just-"
"(Y/n) we love you" Hercules said kissing my hand lightly.
I blush and smile, "I-I love you guys too.."
This causes everyone to smile, "be our girlfriend then?"
I chuckle lightly, "of course."

Word Count: 1190

God I hated this one-
but you know here you go

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