Angelica Schuyler X Reader - So You're The Famous Miss Schuyler

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Female Reader
Modern Au
Trigger Warning: Drinking, Swearing
Prompts: nothing I was just listening to Aunties Basement as I'm writing this and got the idea
Requested by: No one

~Angelica's POV~

I let out a sigh as my sisters and I walked into this big party, told to be hosted by the famous Thomas Jefferson. Not a very good friends with him, hell the man is scared of me but he invited my sisters so I come as a plus one so to speak.
Now I'm one for parties but I've sure as hell never been to one this fucking big, like what the fuck does this dude need to invite so many people?

Both my sisters were quick to run off, Eliza to her lover Alexander and Peggy to her friends. I didn't mind, I'm sure I'll find someone to hang around with. I mean who wouldn't want to hang out with me?
So I got straight to talking to people, some I knew, some I didn't but, I didn't mind all that much.

"Yooo" Hercules elbowed me to which I give him a playful glare.
"What?" I asked before looking in the direction he was looking.
He was looking at a girl awkwardly standing by herself by the food table, a can of soda in her hands. I will admit, she was gorgeous but she definitely had a boyfriend or something.
"Who is that?" Herc asked making goo-goo eyes at the girl.
Lafayette looked at the girl before hitting Herc in the back of the head, "you idiot. That's Jefferson's sister, you have no chance!"
Jefferson's sister?
I drew my attention to Lafayette, "when did Jefferson have a sister?"
"Almost all his life mon ami, he just likes to keep her out of the.... lime light? He's very protective."
"Is that right..." I muttered as a smirk made its way to my face, "I'm gonna talk to her."
The two tried to stop me but there was no use, you can't stop this woman.

"Hey" I said smoothly as I walked up to her.
She looked a little uncomfortable but she still talked to me anyway, "u-umm hello.."
"So... Jefferson's sister huh?" I asked which led to a surprised look on her face.
"H-How did you know?" she asked nervously.
"A friend of mine told me" I said with a shrug.
She looked back from where I just came from and glared, "god damn it Laffy..."
I laughed, "well since I know your little secret... could I get a name?"
"O-Oh Umm... of course! It's (Y/n) Jefferson..." she said before giggling quietly.
I smiled at her before putting my hand out for her to shake, "Angelica.. Angelica Schuyler."
She took my hand before her eyes widened, "Angelica Schuyler? As in the one who punched my brother in the face?"
"Yep! That's me! Trust me I don't do that to everyone though, you're brother was just being a dick and deserved a punch in the face."
"I-I suppose I get that... he can say some stupid things sometimes" She said before a giggle.

We continued to talk through out the whole night, it was honestly amazing. She's amazing. I honestly didn't expect her to be so friendly and kind, her being Jefferson's sister and everything. She's like the complete opposite of Jefferson though and I absolutely love that.

"Hey... I know this may be a weird question but... are you single?" I asked with a slight blush on my face.
"U-Um yes actually.." she said as she played with her hair and went red, "a-are you?"
I nodded my head before laughing a little, "yeah I wouldn't really be asking if I wasn't."
"R-Right! Sorry.."
"It's ok (Y/n)" I scratched the back of my neck, "so did you wanna go out sometime?"
She looked at me stunned, "y-yes! Of course! I-I would love to!"
I smiled as I pulled out my phone and unlocked it.
"Give me your number, we can organise something tomorrow" I said smiling down at her.
"S-Sounds good!" She said as she pulled out her phone.
The two of us exchange numbers and we both exchange awkward looks.
"Soo.." (Y/n) was soon interrupted by a distant yelling.
"(Y/n)!!" We hear someone scream.

We both turn our attention to the magenta pompous freak himself, Thomas Jefferson.
He was storming over to us quickly.
"This should be fun..." I mumbled before he made it over to us.
Thomas pulled (Y/n) away from me and close to him, "what did I say about walking away from me!"
"You walked away from me..." she mumbled loud enough for the two of us to hear which made me giggle quietly.
Thomas sent a glare my way before looking back at (Y/n).
He took a deep breath, "just... stay close."
He sent a glare my direction before leading (Y/n) away, though she did turn back and wave goodbye.
I smiled and waved back.
I couldn't wait for the next time I saw her.

Word Count: 821

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