Peggy Schuyler X Reader - A Schuyler

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Female Reader
Trigger Warnings: Fluff
Prompt: None
Requested by: No one

— (Y/n's) POV —

1780, a winter's ball and the Schuyler sisters are the envy of all.
"Yo, if you marry a sister, you're rich, son" I hear a man say.
"Is it a question of if, Burr, or which one?" Another man responds.
I scoff and roll my eyes at the men.
How disgusting, seeing these beautiful girls as only something to get money from, typical of soldiers.
I began to wonder around the ball room as I watched couples dance around elegantly, while looking around a certain women caught my eye.
A small, plump woman in yellow. Wow... now she was something else. She looks absolutely gorgeous!
I didn't realise this but I was already walking towards her and before I can turn back I was right in front of her.
"Oh hello!" The woman smiled up at me.
I felt my face flush at the adorable woman in front of me, "u-umm hi."
"I'm Margarita Schuyler, but you can call me Peggy" she said a big smile on her face.
"S-Schuyler?" I stutter out, OF COURSE SHE'S A SCHUYLER! God I have no chance...
"Yep, I'm sure you've heard of my sisters.." she mumbled quietly.
"Angelica and Eliza?"
She sighed her smile fading away, "d-did you wanna meet them? I-I can intro-"
"No!" I yelled drawing some attention from others which caused me to blush slightly.
"U-Umm... I-I wanna talk to you.." I smile at her my blush never leaving my face.
She blushed slightly before letting out an adorable giggle, "alright. Did you wanna go outside, it's pretty crowded."
A dumb smile makes it way to my face, "s-sure.."
Soon enough the two of us were outside talking each others ears off, it was honestly amazing.
She was so amazing and she seems interested in me too.. then again I could be reading too much into this, that is until.
"Umm... you aren't courting anyone are you?" She asked light pink crossing her cheeks.
My face went red, "I-I Uhh... no.."
"Are you interested in courting anyone?" She asked an awkward smile on her face.
"U-Um well... there is someone."
"Oh?" I hear her say a slightly disappointed tone in her voice.
"Yeah... you know her actually" I say quietly.
"W-wait I do? A-and it's a her?"
I awkwardly chuckled and nodded my head.
She thought for a minute, "is it... one of my sisters?"
I shook my head in response, I haven't even met them before and none of them compare to this beautiful girl sitting in front of me.
She thought for another few minutes before shrugging, "I have no idea who it could be."
"You know her really, really well" I try to give her a hint without making it too obvious.
"Hmm... still don't know who it is, could you describe her?"
"Well... she has gorgeous, brown eyes that sparkle in the moonlight" I began to smile, "long, dark, curly hair, this adorable smile."
I pulled Peggy close to me which caused her to blush, "and she may be wearing yellow right now."
"O-Oh my..." Peggy mumbled while her face was red and we were only centimetres apart.
"C-Can I kiss you?" I ask her and she quickly nodded her head in response.
I smiled and gently pulled her into a blissful kiss.

Word Count: 563

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