Lin-Manuel Miranda X Reader - Sexy Time~

593 20 3

Female Reader
Modern AU
Trigger Warning: none- I hope
Prompt: 39. "Let's have some fun~" "Yeah~ WE SHOULD PLAY MARIO KART!!" "Wha-"
Requested By: No one

— (Y/n's) POV —

I walk into my apartment completely exhausted to see my loving boyfriend, Lin, laying on the couch. He looks at me with lust in his eyes.
"Hey baby~" he says in a seductive tone.
"Hey..." I say while walking over to him and flopping on the floor in front of the couch.
"Had a ruff day sweetie?" He asks rubbing my back and fiddling with the back of my bra.
"Yeah...." I sit up and face him resting my head on the side of the couch.
"Wanna do something to get your mind off it?" He asks acting innocent.
"Yeah... but what?"
"Aww come on I think you know~" he caresses my face.
"Hmmm.... oh! I think I know~" I purr
"Good~ Now let's have some fun~" he smirks.
"Yeah~ WE SHOULD PLAY MARIOKART!!" I scream out jumping up.
"Wha-" I interrupt him.
"COME ON BABE LET'S PLAY!" I run to grab the Wii controllers.
"Aww come on!"


Word Count: 163

Idk what this was but you're welcome 😊

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