Jamilton X Reader - Why You!?! [2]

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— (Y/n) POV—

I wake up to find myself on the floor.
"Ugh my head" I say but my voice sounds different.
It's a little lower and has a southern accent to it, yet it still sounds feminine.
I look around to see no one is here.
"That's weird, did they just leave me?" I hear a southern voice in my head.
Wait...... Jefferson?
"Yeah it's me who'd you think it was? Now where are you two?" He asked.
I was frantically looking around but I didn't feel in control.
"What do you mean 'where are we?' I should be asking you two that question. Where did you go?" Another voice says.
"No duh (L/n) now where did you two go?"
I stand up still not feeling in control, but when I stand I look down and notice I'm in different clothing.
"Am I wearing a dress!?" I hear them both yell.
I keep looking at my body but I feel like it's being pulled from side to side.
Boys whatever joke you're playing isn't funny
"I'm not doing anything (L/n)" I hear Hamilton say.
I feel my face start to heat up but it isn't my doing and I feel myself grabbing my chest.
"A-am I seeing breasts?" I hear Jefferson stutter.
"I-I'm seeing them too...." Hamilton stutters as well.
I remove my hands from where they were.
What do you mean are you boys perving on me!!
"(Y/n) I can't even see you how could I do that when I can't see you" Jefferson says bluntly.
I sigh and start to walk to a mirror but keep stumbling and tripping for some reason.
"Jesus Christ this feels so tight how do you women even walk in these things" I hear Hamilton say.
"Yeah I feel like I'm having my oxygen taken away" I hear Jefferson say.
You guys are confusing the shit out of me, I'm just trying to get to the mirror to see what you've done to me.
Just shut up for once would ya
I make it to the mirror only to see a strange woman standing in it. She had black curly hair which was all over the place and had dark/light (e/c) eyes. She wore a green overcoat with a magenta vest under it and wore a (f/c) skirt. She was very tall might I add and very curvy as well.... well curvier than me, also having a quiet light skin tone but it was as if the woman had slightly tanned.
"Uhhh.... Whatever you guys did you did a god damn good job, I can't even see myself in the mirror" I hear Hamilton say sounding nervous.
"I-I can't see myself either" Jefferson says.
Neither can I....
My eyes widen and the woman in the mirror in the mirror does the same. I scream but it isn't mine, it's that voice from before.

— James' POV —

"Oh Madison, they are in the room at the end of the hallway. I had to have them moved... again" President Washington says as I walk out of his office.
"Thank you Mr. President, I'll head over there now" I close the door behind me and start to walk to the room.
Oh god I hope the three of them haven't killed each other-
My thoughts are interrupted by a woman's scream and it came from the room I was heading to.
I swear if they dragged a poor innocent women into this...
I run to the room and swing the door open to see a very tall and beautiful women standing in front of a mirror.
Wait did I say beautiful and where are the others?
She looks over at me relief spreading across her face as she quickly makes it over to me, but she trips in front of me.
"Madison thank god you're here you think you can help me find the others?" The woman asks.
I flushed and help the women off the ground.
Her voice is so angelic....
"Uhh... Madison? You're kinda- oh don't tell me you're attracted to me in a dress" she towers over me.
"W-Wait are you saying y-you don't always wear that?" I ask going red.
She gives me a confused look.
"Did you get shorter or something Madison?" She asks me slightly bending down to my level.
"U-uhhh not that I know of Miss....." she spins me around and I could feel my heart race.
"But when did I becom- oh no" she walks away from me while pushing her hair back.
"O-oh no? Wait what's wrong? I ask.
The woman looks at me worry spread across her face.
"James it's us" I give her a questioning look.
"Uhh what do you mean?" I question the woman.
"I mean us. Alexander, Thomas and (Y/n), you know the people you work with every day" she says.
"Last time I checked my colleagues can't just randomly turn into one person and are never on a first name basis might I add" I say walking past her.
Maybe this woman isn't worth it after all....
"Now do you mind telling me where my colleagues are, we have things to discuss... or more like argue about" I say scratching the back of my neck.
The woman growls.
"Are you this stupid Madison!- Hey don't talk to him like that- Yeah he doesn't deserve your shit Alexander!" The woman argues with herself, her voice changing slightly every time she interrupts herself.
I look at her confused.
She is starting to sound like them.....
The woman continued to bicker with herself until I notice a bright light shine.
"What the-?" I go to question it but next thing I know, my three colleagues are blown away into different sections of the room and the woman had disappeared.
They each groan.
"W-What just happened?"
They each get up and lean on something almost doing it in sink.
"I don't know but whatever it was I didn't like it" they all said in unison.
They gave each other a confused look as I stood off to the side preparing for them to just blow out at each other.
But they didn't, they kept looking at each other confused more than anything.
"Are you guys alright?" I ask slightly worried.
This wasn't like them at all.....
They look at me.
"Yeah..... just fine" they say in unison once again.
"I....... think I'm gonna head to my office" Thomas says walking over to a table and packing up his things.
"Yep me too....." Hamilton says already walking towards the door papers in hand.
"I'm sure Washington needs help with something" (Y/n) says walking towards the door as well.
"Wait hold on we still need to discu-" I was cut off by the door closing behind Hamilton and (Y/n).
Which left me and Thomas. I looked over at the man as he was getting his papers into place, but I couldn't help but notice him..... blushing?

— (Y/n's) POV—

As I was walking towards Washington's office I couldn't help but blush. Those two idiots were stuck in my head and all it was doing was making my heart pound out of my chest. I couldn't help but wonder.....

What is this feeling?........


Word Count: 1238

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