Maria Lewis X Reader - Her Poor Wife {1}

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Female Reader
Modern AU
Trigger Warnings: Cheating and Swearing
Prompt: 11. "I trusted you"
Requested by: No one

— (Y/n's) POV —

Life had been difficult in the past, but I didn't expect this... I never could have expected this.

It was a cloudy day when I woke up to my amazing wife in our bed.
I smile at her and gently kiss her forehead before getting up.
I started to get things out for breakfast when there was a knock at the door, which leads to me being confused.
"Who on earth would be at the door?" I mumble to myself, sure it wasn't that early but last time I checked I wasn't inviting anyone around.
I walked up to the door and opened it, only to be met with Thomas Jefferson?
"Have you read this?" He asked as he handed me a piece of paper.
It caused one of my eyebrows to raise as he walked away with a large smirk on his face.
I closed the door and looked at the paper and started to read.
As I did that Maria walked into the room.
"Hey hun, what are you reading there?" She asked smiling.
I don't respond, I can't believe what I'm reading. T-This can't be true, r-right?
I look up at her with tears building up in my eyes, "M-Maria?"
A concerned look made its way to her face as she walked over.
She took my hand, "lovely what's wrong?"
I pull my hand away as I quietly sniffed, "d-did you sleep with Alexander?"
She looked at me wide eyed as the colour drained from her face.
"Did you?" I ask her again wiping tears from my cheeks.
"Listen (Y/n) I-I can explain!" She said.
I started to sob, "w-why...? D-did I do something wrong?"
"No.. No! You did nothing wrong my love.." she went to go towards me but I took a step back.
"I-I'm going to go see if Eliza's ok... I'll be back."
Before she could say anything, I left.
I got in my car and started to drive to Eliza's home while crying most of the way, but I forced myself to stop.
I finally made it Eliza's place and made my way inside, it was mostly silent other than the tears that filled the house.
I quickly got upstairs, the crying was coming from Eliza's room.
I walked over to her room and knocked on the door, "E-Eliza?"
Steps make their way to the door and she opened the door, she looked awful.
"(Y-Y/n)?" She asked tears falling down her face.
I smiled sadly as tears ran down my face, "Eliza."
The two of us quickly pull each other into hug, quietly apologising continuously to one another as we did.
After a few minutes of doing this we looked at one another.
"I-It isn't either of our faults.." I mumbled.
She nodded her head in agreement as she looked at the ground, "I can't believe they did this.."
"I can't believe it either.." I mumbled.
The two of us made eye contact again.
"D-Did you want to stay?" Eliza asked hesitantly.
I nodded my head, "t-that sounds great... thank you Eliza."

Word count: 527

I have two ideas for an ending of this.
It's either:
Reader ends up with Eliza
Reader goes back to Maria
Or maybe both... if y'all want 👀
Y'all decide!

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