John Laurens X Reader - Free Hugs

417 10 3

Female Reader
Modern AU
Trigger Warnings: idk what this is but imma consider it fluff
Prompt: None
Requested by: JustSomeNobody6568

(John's POV)

I was sitting at the stupid free hug me stand that a bunch of my friends made.
"God why did we have to make that damn bet" I grumbled to myself.
I look over at my friends to see them giggling to themselves, the god damn bastards.
To my relief not a lot of people walked up to me, which I was thankful for.
There was a few though, some asking what the fuck I'm doing and others just getting what the sign says which is whatever honestly. I'm not gonna judge someone for wanting a hug, but... then there was this one girl and god was she gorgeous.
I was surprised she even came up to me... and gave me money?
"Uhh... Miss it says free hugs" I say to her about to return her money.
"I know, I want a kiss" she said with a smile.
My face went red, "a-are you serious?"
She nodded her head.
"O-Oh Uhh... ok" I mumbled as I stood up.
She gently pulled me into a kiss and my god, it was amazing. We were there for a surprising few minutes when we finally pulled away.
"W-Wow.." I stutter out.
She was basically speechless, did she enjoy it as much as me?
She quickly pulled out a scrap piece of paper, "do you have a pen?"
"U-uhh yeah?"
"You busy tomorrow?"
"N-No?" I said as I gave her a pen.
She quickly wrote down a bunch of numbers... wait- IS SHE GIVING ME HER NUMBER!?!
She handed me the piece of paper, "great! We can go out tomorrow."
She kissed my cheek before walking away.
I stood there stunned before looking at the paper.

Call me later tonight and we can discuss the date ;)
~ Y/n ~

I let out a dreamy sigh as I sink back into my chair, I sat there and thought for a bit before...


Word Count: 332

Oof forgot to add the person who requested it

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