Alexander Hamilton X Reader - Where Were You? {2}

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Female Reader
Modern AU
Trigger Warnings: being neglected, arguing, kinda angstttttt (we get fluffier this time around tho)
Prompt: No prompt (ignore the prompts from the first one I kind of didn't use them at all)
Requested by: No one

— Alexander's POV —

I walked back home with my head hanging low and of course because I screwed up everything, it had to start raining.
God did it make me feel so much better.
I walk back into my house to see my three best friends standing there ready to cheer, since they knew what I was doing.
They held back though when they saw me.
"What happened?" Lafayette asked.
I didn't answer as I collapsed face first into my couch.
"Alex what's wrong?"
"Did you propose?"
"How did it go?"
I continued not answering my friends as tears started to pour out of my eyes.
"Alex?" I head John say as he placed a hand on my shoulder.
"What!?" I yell sitting up and looking my friends straight in the eyes.
"Oh Alex..." John pulled me into a hug, which was to my dismay.
"What happened?" He asked me.
I sniffed as I began to cry, "I-I screwed up everything... I-I was an hour late- AN HOUR!? How horrible do I have to be to leave her for an hour.."
"You can make it up to her" Hercules said sitting next to me.
"I-I don't think I can... I've already done it so much.." I mumbled looking down.
"Nope don't be negative. You ARE going to make it up to here and this is how you'll do it."
John went on tell his plan about how I'm going to get (Y/n) back, god I hope this works.

~ Time Skip and now (Y/n's) POV ~

I woke up the next morning and let out a yawn. I look around to see all the girls sprawled out all over the room.
I smile at the four of them before it slowly turns into a frown, remembering what happened last night.
Tears built up in my eyes and I quickly wipe them away, "it's gonna be fine..."

After some time the other girls woke up and Eliza started to make breakfast.
We were all just talking about random things when there was a knock at the door.
Angelica went up to get it as I kept talking to Peggy and Maria, we stopped as soon as we heard yelling at the door.
The three of us went to the door to see an angry Angelica in front of a nervous Alexander.

"P-Please just let me talk to her" he begged.
"Do you really think it'll be that easy!? This isn't even the first time you've done this!!" Angelica screamed at him.
I placed my hand on her shoulder, "Angelica."
They both look at me.
"I'll talk to him."
"B-But (Y/n)-"
I quickly cut her off, "no buts. It's ok I got this."
Angelica sighed and nodded her head before moving away from Alexander.

I stepped outside and closed the door behind me. I looked Alexander up and down, he looked like a mess but there was still this hopeful look in his eyes.
He smiled at me and went to hug me but I quickly stop him.
"What do you want?" I asked him bluntly.
He quickly frowned but hope was still in his eyes, "w-well for one... I wanted to apologise. What I did was wrong and I shouldn't have left you waiting for so long..."
I raised an eyebrow, "And?"
He let out a quick sigh, "and I wanted to make it up you. I've planned a whole week for just the two of us, there will be no distractions it will be just us..."

I look at him slightly surprised, "y-you really did that?"
"Yep..." he smiled, "and at the end of the week there will be a little surprise for you. Does that sound good?"
"I-It sounds lovely... I-I'm just not sure if.." I looked down at the ground.
"Please my love! I promise you what I did to you will never happen again and trust me when I say this week will be perfect!"
He really wants to make it up to me this badly?
I sighed, "fine..."
A big smile made it's way to his face and he pulled me into a tight hug, "thank you my love! Thank you! You won't regret this!"


Word Count: 708
It's finally done!
Well it's been done for a while...
but I wanted to publish a bunch of things at once because it's been so long.

Also should I do another part or is everyone happy with this?

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