Jamilton X Reader - Why You!?! [3]

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— Thomas's POV—

I had been left alone in the room with James. I felt his gaze on me so I turned and looked at him.
"Did you need something James?" I ask trying to pretend none of that happened.
"You aren't going to explain any of what just happened!?" He yelled frustrated.
Jeez I never seen him like this.....
"Listen James I have no idea what that was...... who she was......" I could feel my face heat up just thinking about it.
James still looked confused but sighed.
"We have a meeting with Washington soon anyway but we are talking about this afterwards" he says while helping me gather my papers.
I nod as he continues on, but I wasn't listening I was just thinking about........ her.

~ Time Skip ~

I had walked into the cabinet with James, seeing Washington at his normal seating and (Y/n) beside him. She had noticed us enter and looked at me as I had looked at her, we both started staring.
Washington must've noticed since he cleared his throat obviously trying to get out attention. The two of us look at me.
"You wouldn't happen to know where Hamilton is?" Washington asked slightly concerned.
I shook my head.
He's never usually late..... James and I are usually the last to arrive.....
As if on cue Alexander steps in, his face flushed and all. It's not like (Y/n) and I weren't the same. He looks up and sees we're all here.
"Sorry I'm late sir just...... got caught up with work" he had to take time to think, which is unusual for him.
I felt my grow red as he spoke.
What's wrong with me..... his voice it's so angelic...... I'd love to hear him talk for- Wait what am I saying!?
I looked over, seeing (Y/n) the exact same and Washington and James giving us all weird looks.

— (Y/n's) POV —

I was sitting on my couch still thinking of the events of today, my heart fluttering every time I pictured those idiots faces and that..... woman.
Or was it us or.......
I look down at my hands and grip them.
I felt so lost, I didn't know what to do.
That's when I heard a knock at the door.
"Hm?" I stand and start to make my way over to the door.
I open it to see my three work colleagues, Hamilton, Jefferson and Madison.
"You all need to talk."


Word Count: 410

These three parts were just something I wrote ages ago and me not having update in a while just thought-
Hey why not post them?
They aren't that good but I really need to update so yeah here
I'm sorry for taking so long to update I'll update again when I can
Ok bye bye!

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