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Sorry to everyone. I made a small mistake in the story. The flashback is not 2 months before it is 2 years before.Please forgive me for the mistake I have done in the story. Thank you for all the people who has voted and wrote comments for my story.

Let me start the chapter


Abhi comes to home from the concert. He took a shower and sat in the dinning table to eat his dinner. When he starts to eat, he got a call suddenly.

Abhi picks up the call. Abhi didn't spoke anything.

Abhi was silent and the man in the phone was saying something.

The man in the phone: There is no progress.

Abhi cuts the call with disappointment.

He went to his room and  laid in his bed. His memory was full of her.Tears was running from his eyes.


Abhi cannot sleep peacefully after seeing her. He was rolling in his bed without sleep. He had a romantic dream dancing with her. He had started to lift his hands and legs while sleeping.

While dancing in sleep Abhi suddenly fell down from his bed

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While dancing in sleep Abhi suddenly fell down from his bed.

While dancing in sleep Abhi suddenly fell down from his bed

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After some time,

Purab was applying medicine to Abhi's wound but Abhi was smiling like a mad without reacting. 

Purab: Abhi,Abhi.......

Abhi didnot react.

Purab shouts: Abhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

Abhi: Aaaaaaaa, idiot, why are u spoiling my beautiful dream.

Purab: Oh, the great rockstar Abhishek Prem Mehra is day dreaming that also while applying ointment.

Abhi noticed the ointment and started to shout: Purab what nonsense it is, it is burning a lot. You know na i hate ointments. Then why u applied me.

Purab: Abhi by the way which thought has disappeared your pain also.

Abhi became shy and said in low voice: LOVE

Purab: What? I cannot hear you.

Abhi shouts: I'm in LOVE Purab.

Purab shouts: WHAT????????????

After some time, Purab was staring at Abhi whereas Abhi was smiling same as before.

Purab took a breath and asked: Who is she.

Abhi with smile: don't know.

 Purab: At least you know her name.

Abhi: That girl called her with some name da, wait.......... han Pragya.

Purab: You know where she lives.

Abhi: No. But I love her Purab.

Purab: At least do you have her photo.

Abhi: No da. But pls find her. I love her.

Purab:   How can i find her.

Abhi: I said you her name na.

Purab: Hai, there are many Pragya. From that how i will find your Pragya.

Abhi: I don't know it all, but I love her.

Purab became furious. Abhi came near to Purab romantically. Purab went back in fear. Suddenly, Abhi  kissed Purab's cheek and went out in shy.

 Suddenly, Abhi  kissed Purab's cheek and went out in shy

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Purab was standing in shock.

Purab was standing in shock

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After few days.

It was Abhi's birthday. Abhi was restless to meet Pragya. He called Purab 1000 of times but he didn't attend the call. Abhi was planned to serve food to people in orphanage. He went to the orphanage. His thought was filled with her.

Abhi in his mind: Were are you darling. I'm eagerly waiting to see you.

He gets down from his car. The orphanage people welcomed him. Abhi astonished.

What did he sees there? 

Hope so u like this chapter.I think that i didn't bored you.

I tried my level best to make the chapter interesting and funny.

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Thank You


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