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Abhi came to his room with a pale face. His eyes were blood red. He sat on his bed, lifelessly.

Pragya: Abhi

Abhi lifted his head and saw Pragya watching him with a bright face. His lips automatically curved to a smile seeing her. When he was about to go towards her, she vanished. His face falls, realizing that it's a dream.

Pragya: Abhi

Abhi turned and saw her standing near the door.

Pragya: Won't you come to me?

Abhi went running towards her, but before he could hold her, she vanished.

Pragya: Abhi, see here, your cupboard is so clumsy. After I come, it should be clean.

Abhi smiled with tears in his eyes. When he was about to move, but she vanished. His ears echoed only her voice calling his name "Abhi... Abhi ... Abhi ..."

Abhi shouting: Pragya!!!!!!

Abhi fell in his knees and burst into tears which were suppressed for many days. He felt a hand caresses his hair. He lifted his head and saw Pragya. He lies on her lap, burying his face in it.

Abhi sobbing: Pragya, pls Pragya. Pls, don't leave me. I don't want this as a dream again. Pragya, pls, Pragya.

But unfortunately, it was also his imagination, and he felt himself lying on the floor. His eyes became harder. So, he closed his eyes and slept on the floor itself.


Purab and Dadi had tears in their eyes after reading Abhi's diary. They didn't expect that Abhi would have faced this much pain.

Purab: Dadi, what can we do now?

Dadi: I don't know Purab. I thought something, but here something is happening.

Purab: I feel bad for Abhi.

Dadi: We can get our Abhi back only when Pragya comes back.


We can see a man getting ready in his home. He heard his phone ringing. He picked it and attended the call.

Man: Yes Abhi sir

Abhi: When you will be there, Rohith?

Rohith: Sir, I will be there in five minutes

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Rohith: Sir, I will be there in five minutes.

Abhi: Why late?

Rohith: That... Sir...

Abhi: What sir?

Rohith: Sir... I woke up late today.

Abhi sternly: Rohith, stop giving excuses. I have left her there in your responsibility only. I don't want anything wrong to happen. I hope you would understand.

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