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Thank you for all the people who read my stories,  voted me and left your comments and thank you for all my followers....

Let me continue the story....

Purab went inside Abhi's cabin. He found Abhi's locker..

Purab: It would be here only, but how to open it...

At that time Abhi entered the cabin banging the door flaming in anger.  Purab jerks hearing the door sound. He composed himself and went near Abhi...

Purab: Abhi what happened? Is there is any problem?

Abhi: Everything is problem. What she is thinking in her mind....

Purab: Who?

Abhi: Tanu... She is irritating me.. She is the model of our album...

Purab: What happened to the other model?

Abhi: She cannot come it seems....

Purab: Abhi chill, leave her. She is not important in your life.

Abhi: Ya, she is nothing to me....

Purab thinks: Let me ask him....

Purab gulped and asked Abhi...

Purab: Abhi....... Where's your locker key?

Abhi: Why you need it?

Purab: One of my file is missing. I want to check whether it is in your locker...

Abhi: Why you're file is going to come to my locker?

Purab: It might got mixed with your files na...

Abhi: How it could be possible Purab?

Purab: Let me check it for my satisfaction....

Abhi nodded his head and gave the locker key to Purab and went from there. Purab signs relief and opened the locker.

The locker had many partition and one of it was protected with password...

Purab: Password!

He search everywhere leaving that password part. To his bad luck, he didn't get key anywhere...

Purab: So the key is in this password part only. What would be the password?

He typed as rockstar. It showed as error and he has only two chances...

Purab: 😣😣😣 Think Purab think, Han let me try it as Pragya....

He typed Pragya's name. Again it showed as error. Purab became frustrated...

Purab: God, Abhi..... What is the password man? Purab calm down. Think think think....

He took and deep breath and closed his eyes...

Purab: Abhi calls Pragya with a nick name he na. What is it?........... Got it...

He prayed all his God and the as FUGGY. The locker gets opened. Purab signs relief and found the key in it. He took the key and kept it in his pocket and went out.

Abhi stopped him...

Abhi: Let me go and continue my practice...

Purab: Good decision...

Abhi: Ok, did you get your file...

Purab: I got what I want....

Abhi: Matlab?

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