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Let me continue the story...

Abhi entered into his room and saw Pragya, who was engrossed in her thought. He went towards her and sat next to her, shooking her shoulders.

Abhi: What happened Fuggy?

Abhi asked whereas Pragya nodded her head as no. Abhi took an envelope from his jacket and gave it to her. Pragya took it from him.

Pragya: What is this?

Abhi: Pragya, why don't we go on a trip?

Pragya saw him with a sarcastic smile, whereas he gets confused because of her smile.

Pragya: For my operation?

Abhi's face falls, hearing her. He nodded his head as yes.

Pragya: I don't want to go.

Abhi: Why?

Pragya: Because I don't have hope.

Abhi signs and cupped her face.

Abhi: I won't leave you to be away from me. I want you in my life.

Pragya: Why are you showing this much love for a girl who is going to die? Let me d...

Before she could continue, the slap sound echoed in the room. Pragya lifted her head and saw Abhi, whose eyes were red due to anger. Abhi gripped her shoulders.

Abhi roars: Don't even say that again. Let me remind you, I would do anything to cure you. I would even fight with that god for you. I won't let you go away from me. Understand?

Pragya sobbing: I'm afraid Abhi...

He signs and cupped her face. He bowed air on her cheeks where he slapped. He kissed her cheeks lovingly, whereas Pragya hugged him tightly.

Pragya whispered: Abhi, I'm sorry...

Abhi closed his eyes, whereas tears flowed from his eyes.

Next day

Abhi and Pragya entered into Aaliya's cabin.

Aaliya: Abhi, Pragya, please come in.

Abhi and Pragya went towards Aaliya and took their seats.

Aaliya: Pragya, Abhi told me everything. Don't lose your hope. Everything will be alright. Just we want you to do this operation.

Pragya: Hum, ok...

Aaliya: That's the good girl. Abhi, I spoke with the doctor. I want you both to move to London tomorrow.

Abhi: Why so soon?

Aaliya: After five days, that doctor is going to Hong Kong for another case. If we miss him now, then it would become complicated.

Pragya gripped Abhi's hands, whereas Abhi saw her and gave her assurance that nothing wrong would happen.

Both came out from Aaliya's cabin.

Pragya: Abhi, I feel like something wrong is going to happen.

Abhi: Nothing will happen until I'm with you.

Pragya: Abhi, nothing wrong will happen, na?

Abhi cupped her face and kissed her forehead.

Abhi: Do you believe me?

Pragya: More than believing me.

Abhi: Nothing will happen. I won't allow death to near you.

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