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Abhi gets down from his car. A small girl comes running to Abhi. 

Sweety-She is also an orphan. Pragya and Pie are like sisters.

 Pragya and Pie are like sisters

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Abhi: Hi baby, who are you?

Sweety: Your big fan.

Abhi: Oh! my chotti big fan. Can i know what is your name?

Sweety: My name is Sweety.

Abhi: Your name is also sweet like you.

Sweety: This is my sister Pragya.

Abhi astonished hearing the name Pragya. Pragya looked like an angel in her saree. Abhi cannot take his eyes from her. Abhi was flying in happiness.

Purab who came there started to speak with Abhi but Abhi didn't hear anything

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Purab who came there started to speak with Abhi but Abhi didn't hear anything. He just admired Pragya's beauty. Purab took Abhi inside the orphanage. The cake cutting ceremony has started. Abhi cuts the cake and feed it to Purab and Sweety. He tried to feed Pragya but Purab pulled his hands and asked him to control himself.

After some time Abhi was playing with the kids in the orphanage. He heard a voice "Sir".

Abhi turned and saw Pragya standing there. 

He went to her and said "Yes".

Pragya: Sorry sir.

Abhi sees it strange and asked: Why?

Pragya: No sir, that day i accused you and used bad words. I don't know that you are not in guilt. I felt very bad for scolding you. 

Abhi tried to speak but Pragya didn't leave him to speak.

Pragya: I admire you a lot. I'm a big fan of you and your songs. I cannot digest that the person who i admire the most has did a big sin. So i loose my control and i scolded you a lot. But i didn't mean it.

Pragya was speaking non-stop and Abhi just stands and admires her. He had a clean watch of her eyes which were roaming here and there, her sharp nose and her lips which were dancing while she was speaking. He came to earth when Pragya shook him.

Pragya: Will you forgive me?

Abhi: I will, but a condition.

Pragya: What?

Abhi : You have to accept me your friend.

Pragya in a shock: But how sir, I'm a simple orphan girl but you are a rock star. How can i be your friend.

Abhi says "then i will not accept your apology" and moves. Pragya stops him and says "Ok friends".

They gave shake hands.


Abhi wakes up by hearing the alarm. He got freshen and drank his coffee. Purab came angrily to Abhi.

Abhi: What happened to you? Morning  itself you are very hot and i think i want to call fire brigade.

Purab: Stop this Abhi. What is your problem? Why are you not saying ok to marriage? I was not there for past one year. In that time something has happened and you are hiding it from me.

Abhi: Just chill down. Drink coffee and we can go somewhere ok.

Purab: Don't divert the topic Abhi.

Abhi took a breadth and said: I'm leaving to my room.

Abhi went without saying anything. 

Purab in his mind: Something is there in Abhi. He is hiding some thing from me. He is not saying the present status of Pragya also.

What happened to Pragya?

Why Abhi is denying for marriage?

What he is hiding from Purab?

I think i didn't bored you all. Sorry for late update.

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