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Thank you for all the people who read my stories,  voted me and left your comments and thank you for all my followers....

Let me continue the story....

Dadi and Purab were staring the locked drawer...

Purab: I'm damn sure the diary would be in this only...

Dadi: Wow, you found it, i'm really feeling proud of you....

Purab pouts: Dadi, don't tease me...

Dadi: Then what.... It is obvious that the diary would be here... You are saying it as if you have found a big mystery...

Purab: Ok leave me... How to open it?

Dadi: Good question, for that we have to find the key for it...

Purab: Idea, we will ask Abhi itself...

Dadi: Purab, why you are becoming dumb now a days? Do you think he will give it?

Purab in low tone: Why not?

Dadi smashes her head...

Dadi: We have to find some other way....

Purab: Dadi, what if we steal it from him?

Dadi: Finally, you gave a good idea...  

Purab lifts his fake collar...

Dadi: But how? Where he would have kept it?

Purab: 🤔🤔🤔 Dadi, in his office..

Dadi: Are you sure?

Purab: I'm damn sure Dadi, he would have kept it there only... Abhi said me one day that he would keep his secrete things in his office cabin only..

In Abhi's practice session..

He was sitting in his caravan. He was tired because of continues practice. He closed his eyes.


Abhi came to his house fully exhausted. He sat in the sofa and closed his eyes adjusting his position.

Abhi: How it would be if some one give a nice massage to my head?

Suddenly he felt a pair of hands massaging his head smoothly. He smiles knowing who it is...

Abhi: What a massage fuggy... All my triedness are flying away after sensing your touch...

Pragya: Atcha... Anything to my hubby...

Abhi: Really... Love you wiffy..

Pragya: I said you na don't call me anything other than...

Abhi: Fuggy...

Pragya: Han

Abhi hells her hands and made her to come in  front of him. Within a second, he twirls her and made her to sit in his lap. He wrapped his hands around her waist were as she surrounded her hands around his neck.

 He wrapped his hands around her waist were as she surrounded her hands around his neck

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