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Let me continue the story.

Abhi was not in a situation to enjoy the party. He went to bar to divert his mind. He asked for a large and was waiting for the waiter to give it. Waiter served him the drink and Abhi took the glass in his hands. 

In the beach Pragya was waiting eagerly for Abhi to come. Her face was filled with different emotions seeing the decorations.

Pragya's pov: Where is this dumbo? For past 2 days I didn't even have a glance of him. I just want to give him a tight slap and hug for not meeting me for past 2 days. But for that he has to come here na. Idiot Abhi, why are you making me to wait for this much time. I badly want to see you. I want to express all my inner feeling to you. Abhi, pls come fast na. I miss you and your smile badly. Wait a minute, does he slept forgetting my birthday. No, he will not do such stupid stunts. Abhi where are you man???

Time starts to roll on. Each passing time was like a hell for Pragya.  It becomes half past eleven. There was no sign of Abhi. Pragya gets an unknown nervousness in her. She composed herself and was waiting patiently for Abhi. It became 11.55. Pragya's body starts to shiver. Hot tears starts to roll from her eyes kissing her cheeks.

Pragya shouts: Abhi, this is the limit. Please come Abhi. I know you are here. I cannot be here alone. This silence of you is killing me Abhi. Please come to me Abhi.

It becomes 12'o clock. There was no trace of Abhi. Pragya starts to cry. Suddenly some one said "WILL YOU BE WITH ME AS MY SOLE MATE". Pragya turned as see no one there. Again the voice came "I WANT YOUR ANSWER FUGGY". Pragya's face glowed hearing the name "FUGGY". She started to run at the direction from where the sound came. She finally saw the lights getting on and saw Abhi standing in the opposite direction saying "HAPPY BIRTHDAY FUGGY". That's it, Pragya went running and hugged Abhi tightly and started to cry.

Abhi gave a forehead kiss to her and hugged her tightly as if he has his life in his hands and do not want to lose it

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Abhi gave a forehead kiss to her and hugged her tightly as if he has his life in his hands and do not want to lose it. There was no space even for air to enter between them.

 There was no space even for air to enter between them

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Abhi breaks the hug and made her to see him. Pragya started to beat Abhi in his chest and hits his head.

Abhi: Fuggy, I have made these many arrangements for you, but you are hitting me. Too bad, feeling pity for you Abhi.

Pragya with tears: Dumbo,do you know how much I missed you? Idiot. 

Abhi: I'm sorry ma. I was little busy in these arrangements. Are you happy with this surprise?

Pragya: I'm happy that you are back. Without you, these two days was like a hell for me . My life came back only after seeing you. See i don't want any surprise, gifts nothing. I want only you. I want to be with you till my last breadth.

Abhi with tears: Why?

There was a dead silence there. No one shared any words. Their eyes were speaking. Abhi's eyes becomes moist hearing her words. He has mixed feeling in him. He just wants to freeze this movement. 



Pragya with happy tears: I LOVE YOU TOO DUMBO

They hugged each other and felt relieved in each embrace. Pragya was happy that she got her soul mate, but Abhi was afraid that this happiness should not be snatched by anyone even god. He expressed his love feeling, but he cannot express his fear. Now he has his love of life with him, but he had a heavy pain in his heart.

After some time, Pragya was lying in Abhi's lap and was playing with his fingers. Abhi was in a confusion whether to revile the truth to Pragya or not. Pragya saw confused Abhi and a naughty smile came in Pragya's lips. She suddenly pecked  Abhi's cheeks and sat as if  nothing happens. It took time  for Abhi to understand  what has happened. 

Abhi with shock: Fuggy, what you did now?

Pragya in casual tone: Nothing

Abhi's pov: Idiot Abhi, stop your stupid thoughts. Now only you proposed her, how can you expect a kiss from her? Give her some space.

Abhi thought that he was hallucinating and again went to his deep thought. Pragya saw him and got irritated to the core. To bring him back she again pecked  his cheeks. This time Abhi got alerted. A naughty smile curved in his lips.

Abhi: Fuggy, did you kissed me?

Pragya: No no, I didn't do anything. I'm a good girl.

Abhi: Acha 😉😉😉, ok.

He pretend to be thinking something and Pragya got irritated to the core. She came near to him again to kiss him. But this time before Pragya kisses, Abhi pulled her and kissed her cheeks deeply. Pragya was in an utter shock.

Abhi: How is my surprise kiss baby? If you want kiss, i'm always there for you in service and one thing, you cannot get a best kisser like me anywhere in the world

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Abhi: How is my surprise kiss baby? If you want kiss, i'm always there for you in service and one thing, you cannot get a best kisser like me anywhere in the world. 😉😉😉😉😉

Pragya blushes and buried her head in Abhi's chest. Abhi hugged her tightly. Even though  he pretend to be happy, he had a fear of loosing her one day. He wiped his tears unknowing to Pragya and hugged her tightly.

Will Abhi revile the truth to Pragya? What is Abhi going to do?

Hope so u like this chapter.

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