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Pragya's fingers start to move. Rohith, who was reading his book, didn't notice it. She shrank her eyes, trying to open it. Finally, with much difficulty, Pragya opened her eyes and saw her surroundings.

Rohith: I will...

Rohith stopped in mid, seeing Pragya. His eyes became wilder, seeing her.

Rohith stammering: Di... Di... Didi, wait here.

Rohith said and rushed outside, where she saw him with a confused face. Rohith came inside along with the doctor. The doctor checked her.

Doctor: Ms. Pragya, how are you feeling now?

Pragya in a low tone: Little head pain.

Doctor: Ya, that would be there. Don't worry, you will get well soon.

The doctor said whereas she smiled at him. After the doctor gets ut from the room, Rohith came towards her with a smiling face, whereas Pragya's eyes searched for Abhi.

Rohith: Didi

Pragya: Who are you?

Rohith: Ya, I didn't introduce me to you na. My name is Rohith, and I'm your guard.

Pragya chuckling: Guard?

Rohith: Yes, I'm your guard appointed by Abhi, sir.

Pragya's face became brighter, hearing him.

Pragya excitingly: Where is he?

Rohith: Sir is not here.

Pragya's face falls, hearing him.

Rohith: Sir is working on his world album project.

Pragya remembers her wish, which she confessed to him.

Pragya: I want to meet him.

Rohith: Shall I put a video call.

Pragya: No, no. I want to meet him in person. And I want to give a surprise visit to him.

Rohith: It's a good idea, didi. Wait, let me stop the doctor from saying, sir.

Pragya: First do it.

Rohith rushed to the doctor's cabin and stopped him from informing Abhi. After ensuring, Rohith came to Pragya's ward.

Pragya: Rohith, will you immediately book flight tickets to India? I want to be there before his concert.

Rohith: I don't know. I want to consult the doctor. Wait, let me call him.

Rohith went and called the doctor.

Doctor: Ms. Pragya, now only you came out of your coma after two years. So, it is very risky to travel in flight. You have to take rest for at least 10 days.

Pragya's face falls, whereas the doctor went from there.

Pragya: I want to meet him.

Rohith's phone starts to ring.

Rohith: Hallo

Abhi: Han Rohith

Rohith holds the phone and looked at Pragya, whereas she gave him a confused reaction.

Rohith whispered: Abhi sir.

Pragya's face became brighter, hearing him.

Rohith: What should I say?

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