All about Justine

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"YOU'RE A FREAK!" My 'mom' screamed.

I felt myself break into millions of pieces. I cried, grabbing the attention of my worried parents. But they just look at me with disgust.

I look at my hands but see gray paws with cat-like nails.

"What's going on? What's so freaky mama?" I asked concerned

My dad grabbed the broom and hit me with it, pushing me away. I flew a bit and landed harshly on the ground in pain

"Get out of here you pesk! We don't need no rabies!" He yells as he pushes mom behind him.

"Mama? Papa?" I call with tears.

My dad swept me close to the front door.

"Daddy!" I tried to hold onto the broom much as possible

He stops, opens the door wide then hits me again with the metal part of the broom. My body flies out the door and rolls out onto the concrete sidewalk.

"Scram or so help me, I will call pest control and get your ass shot raccoon!" he warned and then slammed the door.

I cried silently.

After a few minutes, I decided to get up. Believing every word he has said and ran for my life down the street. Never looking back, letting my tears hit the ground.


It has been 13, almost 14 years since that day.

The irony was that day was my 4th birthday. Bad luck? Tell me about it.

I was walking down an alley in my raccoon form to my favorite dinner spot. The trash can of the famous restaurant in town. Forks and Spoons it is called. The food is delicious. Imaged going and actually ordering the food yourself without worrying about any other weird stuff getting on it.

I sneaked under the huge trash can. I found a small hole in the corner and climbed into it. I dug through and found some bread, pudding, carrots, peppers, and broccoli. I was satisfied with how much food I have gotten to eat. I soon found some crackers and a still pretty yellow and green, untouched banana. I shifted, pulled out a red bandanna, and stuffed the two in it.

I stored it in my back pocket for breakfast tomorrow.

Better safe than sorry. I might not be able to find any food before school tomorrow.

I shifted back and climb out of the trash can, making my way out of the dark and depressing alleyway. The city life was alive and loud. Cars honking at each other, people rush by talking to each other or on the phone. It was your normal crazy sunset rush. I sigh and run past people and across the street, freaking out a few people. Few tried to stomp on me and others tried to kick me, but I did my best at avoiding each and every foot.

Soon I saw my school, bright and red. Plus empty of kids as kids were probably at home by now.

With the last glimpse of sunlight, I got to my home. Which was under a small bridge in a park right by the school. It's perfect as the pipes haven't worked in a decade. Plus small kids can't fit underneath the small hole. Only I can in my raccoon form. Plus I have all my belongings here, safe and tucked away. I have lived in cardboard boxes to trash cans to tunnels since I was kicked out at a young age.

The sun went out and soon I was out as well.


Soon I woke up to the sun shining.

I groaned and got up. I grabbed my bag and the set of clothes I prepared for myself before dinner yesterday. I crawled out and jumped into the clean pond, washed my fur, and shifted. Changing into my outfit since no one really was around at 5:30 in the morning. I had on my nice gray jeans, gray shirt, and a gray hoodie. I grabbed my backpack and started jogging to school.

Why go to school?

Well for education so I can learn how to support myself better. Like the possibility of getting an actual job, money, rent a house, finally get me better food than dumpster diving.

So that's why I'm still even trying to finish high school. Cause you know in this century, they will just throw your resume into the trash if you don't have a High School diploma on your resume for any job. Trust me, I have already tried.

So now I'm stuck in hell for at least a few more weeks. 5, almost 4 to be exact.

But that doesn't matter right now. Today is a special day for me... 18 to be exact.

Let's hope nothing bad happens


edited 3-16-21 by  longlifecream

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