5 - trouble

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E M B E R  H A R P E R ' S  P O V

His paws led him away from the big house Brutus was most likely in, waking up. The thunder of his running has disappeared, making me look away from the neared thick woods and look back over at the multi-floored construction. With a loud inhale and wish to calm myself down as much as possible, I entered the house.
Taking off the shoes, I let my feet pad up the stairs and into the well known room Brutus and I shared.
Entering the large room with a small creak of the heavy wooden doors, I felt as surprise and panic spread through my veins.
Brutus was sitting on the edge of the bed, his usually light and heartwarming eyes were now pits of endless fire that set my whole being on fire instantly.

He rose to his feet, stomping his way over the tiles, the thunder of his deep breaths echoing in my ears as I walked closer to the door and leaned my back on it. His eyes scanned over me, his nostrils flaring as he started sniffing the crook of my neck. Realization of my scent hit us both and our eyes comnected, his full of fury and hellfire and mine full of hope and, as I mentioned a couple of moments ago, panic.

He smelled Tristan on me.

A loud, shockingly deep growl vibrated from his chest and thundered in his throat, extended canines evolving in his mouth instead of human teeth. Slamming his huge fist on the door, I let out a small shriek while instinctively ducking away from a possible injury. He was a raged animal and that was something that was not to play arounf with, because I would be playing with fire.

"why do you smell like him?" He roared, his voice deeper than any other time. Feeling as my body started to shake with fear that I felt for the biggest part of my life. The same feeling of horrid possibilities started haunting my mind, making me close my eyes hesitantly and try desperately to run away from them.
"Answer me, Ember!" He voiced again, this time nearing his face closer to mine.
Lifting up my shaky arms, I placed them on his wide chest and pushed his body away lightly.

"I went out for a walk Brutus..." I tried explaining, but was cut off once his voice boomef against the bedroom walls once again,
"You went to a walk with the assface?"

"N-no Brutus, listen to me. He found me in the woods, he didnt want anything happening to me." I elaborated the tangled sitaution the best way that I posdibly could, but still did not manage to calm down the raging man.
The blue veins bulged, lining against the rock solid muscles that were maybe soon going to form into a beast that I have not seen yet, but was sure that it was breathtaking.
Snarling his now almost red lip, he gave in to the words that I said and simply plopped doen onto the freezimg ground. And just like his brotger hours earlier, he had an apologetic look in his droopy eyes that told me much more than his words ever could.
I sat down next to the broken looking man on the ground, his radiatimg body heat warming me up slightly.

"Ember." He spoke suddenly, his voice turning back into a normal state as his eyes left mine. He looked down to the floor, his fist clenching painfully tight and making more veins pop beneath his tanned, soft skin.
"I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you." He spoke deeply, his look now averted out the window as gloss started to appear in the usually happy or sad eyes.

He was about to cry. Because of something that I have caused.

"Let me talk, please." pleading, he made me nod my head as I look away also. I was almost ashamed to look into his eyes, knowing that tears hid there.
"Ember, for the love of the God! You are mine and that's how its going to stay!" His moods shifted, his fury being directex towards me as he sent me a murderous glare that would usually freeze my blood, but this time it was different. Different because I was the one to feel fury now.

I got up off the ground, my feet holding me up as I tried to take calming breaths.
Where did he get a right to raise his voice at me, because of something that was out of my control and wish. He, the man that kept wildly claiming me like I was an object, got up also.
Turning around, I wanted to walk out of the room and go somewhere where I would be as far away from him as I could. Just as I was about to press down the cold door knob, he pulled me back and preseed me against his chest.
"you're not going out of the house." growling, he wrapped his arms around my body and started walking towards the large bed we always slept on together.

An explosion blew in my head, my body jerking away from his aggressively as I let out an irritated huff.
"Can you stop acting like a cave man?" I yelled, my voice being the one to echo in the room this tike as he looked at me with confusion lacing his eyes.

"Brutus you are not going to keep me inside forever, for fuck's sake!" I started walking backwards, wantimg to exit the room once again as I let out my anger to display.
Brutus stood in place, his body shaking with anger that overtook him once again.

"What am I to you? A prize in a competition?" Roaring, I accidentally knocked over a white lamp that was placed on a shelve.
With a small shriek, in the same moment when Brutus started furiously roaring also, I moved away from the now completely broken lamp.

"Don't you dare say that," He knocked over a bedside table by kicking it with all force he could gather
"Ever" A small glass vase was next, flyibg across the room and shattering loudly when it hit the wall
"Again." Stopping in front of me, Brutus noticed that my anger has not lessened.

"I love you, more than anything."  Whispering, he tried to touch me but I pushed his muscular hands away from me

"I don't exactly see that, Brutus." My voicr cracked painfully, my eyes swelling with upcoming tears. Turning around, I did what I always did.

I ran.

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