19 - dreams

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E M B E R   H A R P E R ' S   P O V :

my breathing got heavier as I continued on to walk through the unfamiliar, dark hallways. Big doorframes decorated the walls, none of the doors being closed. A bed and a dresser were placed in every single room that I passed by with unexplainable hurry, making it a classical guest room. My heart started thumping rapidly against my ribcage once I realized, I was not alone here. An unrecognisable noise suddenly echoed through the dark hallway that seemed to have no ending, making me almost whine out in fear.
With a deep breath and a head full of unfortunately possible scenarios, I continued to stroll down the hallway. Suddenly, a subtle noise of a lullaby started to spread through the walls. The chilling sound of high, calming noises reached my ears with a boom, making goosebumps to raise on my skin as my eyes started tearing up. I felt like I was in a horror movie, just waiting for something to pop up in front of me. But still, I couldn't stop. I needed to find a way out of the endless hallway with an endless number of doors lined up in it.
Where is Brutus? I didn't want to be here, especially not alone.

The music was still playing on some kind of a record, it started getting louder and louder as I kept walking. I was whispering prayers and incredibly incoherent words to myself, looking around as I tried desperately to find a way out. I didn't even know where I was and it was one of the scariest parts of this all.

And all of a sudden, I stopped. Looking to my right in a room that I expected to be empty, was heard the source of the chilling music. It was played on a classical record, spinning in endless circles.
Hesitate as ever, I took a small step into the dark room. Realising a well obvious thing, it was a child's room. Full of fluorescent colors and toys, it reminded me of a room that I was in when I was a small girl. It almost brought happiness to me, but I could not brush off a fact that I was alone here with a record that started playing not awhile ago.

Or was I alone?

Hearing an unrecognisable voice, I turned around in a snap and looked at what was in front of me. A crib. And it was not empty. Nearing myself carefully, I noticed a baby laying in the thick blankets that were wrapped around it. A small fussing noise was quick to slip out of it's small mouth, making me rush to pick it up and bring to mt arms. Baby blue colored clothes stacked the child's small chubby body, making me realize that it was, in fact, a male.

"Hey baby boy." I whispered, noticing as the baby's expression changed to a more happy one. Piercing blue eyes met with mine, a small chubby face greeting me with a small, heartwarming hug. A small smile crept onto my face, but worry popped to my head instantly.
Who's baby was this?

Noticing that the baby had some kind of jewellery around his neck, I held him with one arm while my free one checked the metal objects.
"And what do we have here, baby boy?" I voiced with a smile as I fished out a necklace that was placed under the tiny clothing. Once my eyes focused on the flash shaped necklace, my smile dropped fully.

I could recognise this necklace anywhere...
It looked exactly like a piece of jewellery that my mother gifted to me when I was a toddler, I still remember it as if it was yesterday. And I always will, until the day I die. She put it into my tiny hands with a warm smile, telling me that 'the maker of the necklace spoke secretive prayers while he was making it carefully, so it would protect the wearer of it of any evil.'

Unfortunately, my necklace was ripped off my neck by my step father and crushed by his foot.
Suddenly, the baby started to wiggle in my arms ans cry hysterically. Trying to calm it down, I haven't noticed that the sun slowly started to rise up.

The child looked back at me, stopped crying and with a smile spoke:

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