14 - her

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E M B E R  H A R P E R ' S  P O V :

I walked through the thick woods, my mind thankfully having an invisibke path mapped out so I could get to the well known house quickly. Finally seeing the big roof, I hurried myself more than ever.
Soon, my feet started hitting gravel that was placed in front of the villa instead of fallen leaves and grass. It was most likely around nine in the morning when I entered the house, instantly hearing three voices.

With my steps fast, I reached the living room. Nothing. The room was completely empty, only the music that was on the television was softly playing. The voices were still heard and amongst them was a female one, which made me very curious.
Was it Brutus' mother? God, I missed that woman.

I saw the door that led to the kitchen and silhouettes were playimg behind the thick glass, so I finally realized that's where the voices were coming from. Opening the door with a deep breath, I entered the room.

My eyes laid on three people. My smile slightly dropped from my face once I saw that next to Brutus and Christian wasn't Brutus' mother. It was young female with a glass of bloody red wine in her hand.
A smile exploded on her lips as she let out her hand for a shake
"I'm Anastasia."

I returned the smile, but mine was certainly softer than hers.
"Ember, nice to meet you." and shook her hand, feeling as she dominantly gripped my hand.

"Ember." Brutus called, making me avert my gaze to him, slightly surprised. He almost never called me by my name. Once he got my full attention and grabbed a glass of wine, he started speaking loudly. I could already tell he was slightly tipsy.

"This is Anastasia, my friend from back in Italy. She came to pay us a visit." he smiled, looking in her direction.
I nodded my head in understanding and walked over to the fridge, where I pulled out a bottle of grape juice. It was always my favorite and ever since I let Brutus in on that littke fact, he keeps the fridge stocked up with grape juice. Another reason why I grew so much feelings for him, he remembered such a little thing and treated it as if it was a big one.

"Wouldn't you like a glass of wine?" Anastasia's hugh pitched voice echoed through my ears, making me grip the plastic bottle even tighter as I shook my head.

"I actually don't drink." I stated, making her let out a soft laugh. Turning to Brutus, she placed a hand on his shoulder. My eyes followed her action, and that's when the first ounce of jealousy started to mix into my blood.

"What is this Brutus, you've chosen a child?" Giggling wildly, she kept brushing herself against him. I looked over at Christian, noticing that he was tense as well. His eyes narrowed, most likely sending me a message to calm down.
Breathing out in a desperate need to calm myself down, I sat on one of the barstools. This one was placed next ti Christian's.

He was most likely the only person that's been keeping me sane at the moment.
So much things were happening at the moment and I barely kept in track with them, but now I had to deal with a flirty female that's constantly around my Brutus. Cracking open the juice, I started averting my thoughts onto the thing that was bothering me the most right now.


The evening came around and we were all sitting in the living room. Christian, as always, was making fun of everything that was going on around him and at the same time, he was lifting my mood.
"It isn't my fault that you were too stupid not to realize that Brutus already had a girlfriend." He snickered to Anastasia and popped another handful of buttered popcorn into his mouth.

I was about to let out a snort once I noticed her facial expression, but trapped it inside and sat back, watching the television. Of course, Brutus was already drunk out of his mind.
He was sitting in between me and the hell lady, chugging on a whole bottle of expensive looking wine.
"Brutus, I think you should stop with that wine. You're already in too deep." I said, rubbing his shoulder lightly.

"Don't tell him what to do. Gosh, let the man relax." Anastasia butted in, her tone harsh and demanding. My anger was already over the roof, but as I was about to open my mouth to speak, she let out a loud dramatic shriek.

Her glass tipped over her fingers, and accidentally fell onto Brutus, making the bloody wine splatter all over his white button up shirt. I jumped off the couch instantly and ran my over to kitchen. to get a paper towel for him to wipe the access of liquid off himself. My steps were quick as I was coming back, but I stopped in my tracks when I saw the view before myself.

Anastasia was hardly working on unbuttoning Brutus' shirt. Christian looked over at me and noticed tears that started to overflow my eyes, his eyebrows knitting instantly.
"Let's go brother. You'll need to get into bed." Christian thankfully pushed the eager female off Brutus and helped him stand up.

As they were passing me on their way to the staircase, Brutus' eyes averted over to me. His jaw fell once he noticed the heavy tears in my eyes. He let his hand out in my direction and opened his mouth to speak, but I turned my back to the man and walked away onto one of the many dark hallways.

yes, that is my dumbass up there. also, this book isn't going to be that long. expect the ending soon :)

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