21 - dinner

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Ember Harper's POV:

the clock ticked and the time flew by as heavy rain started to pour down. I was usually afraid of this gloomy weather, since it always reminded me of all the things that I's go through with my stepfather. His cruelty, at least to me, reflected itself in the grey blanket of clouds that would cover over the usually clear sky. But right now, I had nothing else on my mind besides the terrifying fact of not knowing who my pup's father was.

I felt so filthy, so unworthy of my mate. Well unworthy of one of them, I was a horrible person just like Tristan so I sure deserved him.

As my mind couldnt stop twirling with questions I could not find answers to, I surely lost a track of time. Soon, I looked outside and noticed that sun has set awhile ago. The rain didnt stop falling and rain droplets were still mercilessly whipping on the window glass, making it hard for me to see anything. In a moment where I was about to go back into a black hole of thoughts that my mind created, the bedroom door opened and Brutus entered, a beautiful smile still stamped on his face.

I got sad as I saw him. Not because I was not excited to see him. It was because I knew that his smile would never be the same if I told him about Tristan and his impact on this situation.
"Mia bella I invited my parents over for dinner, so we could tell them the big news. Anastasia and Christian, of course will be there too. Tristan also." He said as he pecked my lips sweetly, sitting himself next to me. As I felt his fingers gracing my overheated skin, I finally felt somewhat safe.

Not going to lie, I missed the time where it was just two of us. Just adoration, no other people involved in our lives, especially Tristan. And now, I needed to tell them all that I was carrying a pup that Brutus already claimed as his. But there was going to be Tristan also and God knows what could possible happen.
"Tonight, our loved ones, we have invited you all for a rather special occasion." Brutus spoke up as he held my small hand in his huge one, looking at me as if he wanted me to tell the big news.

"We're expecting a pup." I blurted out, my tone coming off as gentle and almost unaudible. Shouting and cheers of everyone echoed in the room as Christian was the first one to reach me and give me a bear hug. Through all of those people and their chants of happiness, I accidentally locked eyes with Tristan.

His emerald green eyes sparkled with satisfaction as a small smirk decorated his lips. He knew. For a moment, everything seemed to blur out as I focused my eyes onto him and him only. His tall figure stood up and neared the group of happy people around me. Brutus' mother was now spilling tears of joy as she gave a hug to her son and Anastasia gave me the most dirty look I've ever seen in my whole life. But none of that mattered right now to me, everything was still a blur in my mind. Tristan stood in front of me and gave me a small smile, showing off his perfectly straight teeth.

"Congratulation, my little one. Is my brother finally capable of making something of his own?" He questioned in a sarcastically shocked voice as he noticed that nobody around us was paying attention to our freshly started conversation. He neared me slowly and placed his lips next to my ear, fanning hot breaths onto my upper neck. My whole body was now covered in shivers, but i could not move. I stood still as a statue and stared at the people that surprisingly weren't paying attention to us. Not even Brutus.

"Or... Did I finally claim you as mine?" As his whisper reached my ear, I seemed not to breathe properly anymore. My heart rate went up as fear flowed through my veins, what if he tells everyone now?

Sucking in a deep breath, I looked away from the crow and down at the floor. Tears were starting to pool in my eyes as my legs itched to run away from all of this. At one moment, I even wished to be back where my whole childhood was ruined. I just didn't want to be in here with all of these people who were almost unimportant at this point. Everything was a blur, I felt like I was about to pass out in front of everyone.

"What's going on here?" Suddenly, another familiar voice popped up as it pulled me out of my trans. Looking up, I noticed Christian. His eyes were locked with Tristan's as tension started to grow.

My heart rate was out of control now as adrenaline coursed through my body, making my stomach feel uneasy. He was going to tell him. He was going to tell everybody.

"I can't even congratulate now? Brutus might be the one who made this pup, but I'm not going to be an asshole and not turn out nice. At least for once"

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