1 - mine

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E M B E R H A R P E R 'S P O V :

Electricity ran through my body in circles, shocking each one of my body parts until it reached my stomach, reach it's erupt. It felt like fear, shock and confusion mixed up into a deathly concoction, it seeming to make my vision blurry and my mind cloudy.

What was this man saying?

Looking over at Brutus in shock, I noticed that his usually forest green eyes now have morphed into red orbs. Hell fire was wilding in them, representing the thing that was about to occur. My heart started pumping blood faster once I saw that his teeth extended into sharp canines. They looked white and deathly, making me take a step away from the fuming man standing before me.
He was turned into his real form, the animal that hid deep inside of his busy mind and controlled his actions and emotions.

"What did you say?!" He let out a roar as his fiery eyes stared at his brother, making me jump with a weak whimper slipping from my mouth. My breath was hitching with every inhale I tried to lead to my burning lungs, this man's presence having a definite and murderous effect on me.

"You're scaring my mate." His brother stated calmly, his eyes fixating on me and my expression now. I violently shook my head, aggressively trying to deny the fact that I was, in fact, his mate. My chest heaved up and down at a rapid pace, it feeling like I had a massive stone slammed down onto my chest. It was crushing it, making it harder for me to breathe.
Brutus looked away from me as his once calmed eyes became furious once again as he processed the things that his brother had said.

"She is mine, Tristan!" He roared once again, his powerful voice vibrating through the thick walls and echoing somewhere in the distant hallways and staircases.
So his name was Tristan.
Brutus's voice cursed as he neared his younger brother, his powerful tone not scaring the younger male. He was still standing his ground, a wicked grin spread onto his plump lips that looked just like Brutus's. But the difference now was that Brutus's lip was curled in a snarl, his still growing teeth getting out on perfect display for me to see the killing machine located in his jaws.

As I saw that they were chest to chest now, I knew that I had to do something unless I wanted one of them dead. My mind shifted from a thought to thought, it finally settling on a possible solution.

"Christian! Help, Chris please!" I shouted desperately in the middle of the house, hoping that my crying voice would reach his sensitive ears. My knees were buckling, my heavy feet dragging me over to the two powerful, muscular brother.

"B-brutus, please... Stop." I pleaded a whine softly, touching the skin of his upper arm. His muscles were flexing beneath his skin and my hand, making me worry even more. The other male, Tristan, let a growl rip deep from his chest once his angered eyes flew to where I placed my hands on Brutus's tanned skin.

"Ember, go." Brutus ordered, staring at the eyes of his brother with overflowing hatred, rage and thirst for destruction and murder.

"I'm not going to go!" I shouted, my eyes tearing up once I saw that I could not get them away from each other. Their bodies were tense and ready for an attack, making it extremely dangerous for me to be near them.

A full blooded human was never supposed to be in the middle of a wolf fight, where I could get badly injured or even murdered at the worst case. But nevertheless all the facts that were lingering above my head, I stood my ground refused to move.
I needed to end this before one of them shifts and starts a war.

"Tristan? Ember, get back! Now!" I heard a shout and looked back over my shoulder, noticing as Christian ran his way over where us three were tensely standing, ready for any movement that could set off a bomb that these two were.
As soon as he laid his hand at me to pull me back, both of the possessive animalistic males growled deeply at Brutus's Beta.
I breathed out heavily, standing back and almost tripping over my two heavy seeming feet.

"What is this?" I asked, my words coming out as stutters and a clump of incoherent mumbles. Christian's sharp eyes turned to me, panic splashed in them like a can of green paint that his eyes were.
I knew what the words that ran out of Tristan's mouth meant, and I also knew that it was basically impossible.

But then again, everything was possible in the world that we live in.

"Get out of here, Ember!" He shouted
"The wolves will be more furious if you stay!" He added and finally succeeded to snap me back into reality, where my feet instantly fired to carry me out of the house.
Looking behind myself, I was not even bothering to look ahead of myself. My eyes and mind were focused on a possible war that was about to happen in the house behind me, so much that I haven't even noticed when I bumped into a hard chest.

My eyes snapped back before me, only to see Brutus' parents looking at me in pure confusion.
"Ember, love, what is happening?" Brutus' mother, Martha, questioned as she took my shivering hand into her warm one, somewhat trying to comfort my shaking figure. The strong wind surely was not helping, only making me yearn for Brutus' red sweatshirt that I adored so much.

"A f-fight. Brutus. Tristan." I breathed out in pants, my cheat tightening once again as I mentioned the younger brother. Their eyes widened, a glance between that was shared was radiating with panic.

Was this male so bad?

"Martha, take Ember back to our house. This is about to go rigid."

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