17 - rage and tears

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E M B E R  H A R P E R 'S  P O V :

Wooden door of the guest room that I was currently staying in flung open, making me almost jump out of the bed that I was previously laying restlessly on. My heart rate slowed down once I realized that it was, in fact, Christian.
The look in his eyes said that he was angry, raging. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I sat back down onto the sheets, crossing my legs over each other.

"What's wrong, Christian?" I questioned, slightly worried. His lip curled into a snarl, a pearly white, dangerous canine showing up. Taking a few steps into the room, he slammed shut the door. Once it collided with the doorframe, a loud noise vibrated through the walls and echoed through the air.

"What happened?" I asked once again, hoping that this time I would get an actual answer to my question. His head snapped towards me, his eyes narrowing.

"What happened, you're asking? Tristan happened!" He shouted, making my mouth let out a small gasp. In pure panic, my mind twisted back to a terrible sin that I was a part of. Gulping down my nervousness, I shakily decided to ask
"What's with Tristan?"

Gripping his almost curly sandy colored hair, he began letting out a strong of colorful curses and groans. That sped up my heart rate once again as I was in a state of pure panic.
"God dammit, Ember! Why would you fucking do that?" He shouted, almost in a whine as he started pacing around the room.

My eyes widened as I looked down at the floor that he continued to pace around, heat burning in my cheeks.
I was embarrassed and unbelievably angry. Angry at myself for doing such a stupid thing.

"You..." I wanted to speak, but my voice was simply too shaky to be used. A ball of pressure started to build up in my throat, therefore, I didn't want to speak in fear that tears would soon roll down my cheeks.

"Yes I know! I...I just don't know why would you do that to yourself! Why would you do that to Brutus, did you even think of him when you slept with his fucking brother! A brother that almost killed him years ago!" He kept on shouting, making me lose a battle that I was leading with my shame. I started letting out loud sobs as I pushed myself against the large wooden headboard, hugging my knees up to my chest.

Large, heavy tears were now starting to spill down my cheeks as I entered an immense session of crying, once again. I didn't want it to be true, I felt like I was in some kind of a horrible nightmare that I terribly wanted to wake up from. But, sadly, it was the pure truth. I fucked up, big times!


onsequences could be huge, unbelievably horrible. But it unfortunately was what it was, I had no way back.

Feeling as the mattress dented next to me, I looked up. Meeting eyes with Christian, I instantly looked back down and closed my eyes. I couldn't believe what I was seeing im front of me a couple of moments ago. What I made this man become. Christian, he was always quirky and quick to made any situation awkward. He wasn't the classical muscular, good looking guy. He was actually really pure at heart. And now, he looked like too animalistic to be true.

And it was all my fault.

Feeling as his fingertips grazed against my skin in a comforting manner, I jumped up. My body was no longer used to the friendly touch of his. I was feeling so distant from this friendly man, knowing that my sins threw him off his normal behaviour. It was all my fault and I couldn't blame myseld for it more.

"Look...The thing that you did was horrible but-"

"There is no but, Christian! I did this to myself. I did this to Brutus, to you. I can't believe it!" I cried my soul out, my sobs echoing through the deadly silent room. I didn't care that tge noise was most likely echoing through the whole house, I kept on bawling my eyes out as Christian roughly pulled me to his rock solid chest. I gripped the fabric of his soft grey shirt, my body shaking as I kept of dampening the fabric.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" I shouted repeatedly, shaking my head as I was trying to convince myself that all of this was nothing more than a bad dream.

"Ember, please. Calm down." He lowly said as he neared his lips to my ear, knowing that I wouldn't hear his words if he spoke in a normal tone because of my sobs. I continued to shake my head aggressively, feeling as my chest tightened.
I was feeling unbelievably bad, to that limit that nothing but crying would tone down my shame and anger.

"Lay down. Everything will be fine, with time." He tried to lay me down, but I clenched onto him as if it ut was for my dear life. My fingers twitched, not being able to let go of his shirt.

My sobs continued through the whole night, Christian being there to comfort me.

The sun rose when I finally decided to lay my head down onto the pillow that I also dampened with my heavy flow of tears. I was worn out, my body still shaking.

The last thing I heard before letting my eyelids lazily drop over my eyes was Christian's low voice whispering
"I'm going to make sure that everything turns out right for all of us."

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