8 - his lips

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E M B E R  H A R P E R ' S  P O V :

Ember, this can not be happening! Snap out of it!

My brain was spinning as he climbed on top of me and pressed hid soft lips to the skin of my already flushed enough cheek, but with a strong feeling of panic that overwhelmed me, I havs pushed him off of my body.
I was not feeling safe with him.

He was not Brutus.
He will never be.

His eyes read confusion and without any other thought in my mind, I have decided to elaborate my behaviour
"Tristan, I can't."
"The whole pack is looking for me, Brutus must be worrying." Getting up from the bed that I was previously laying on, I have started looking for my clothes that I dropped somewhere on the ground last night when I went to change my clothes.

Pushing his incredebly muscular body up from the comfortable bed, he neared me as his eyes burned with anger.

"You don't have to go. You can stay here and we can have fun on our own." He suggested with a dark tone lacing his voice as his big hand neared my waist.
Goosebumps rose on my skin as my mind became a hurricane of dark thoughts that could easiky transfer into a real scenario.

I did not know this man very well and it was my fault for staying at this cabin anyway.
Pushing his hand away almost aggressively, I have decided to leave my clothing wherever it was.

I suddenly felt like I was in danger, fear sourcing my veins as it mixed well with my boiling blood.
"No... I have to go, I'm sorry." Quietly apologizing, I ran out the door of his cabin and started sprinting somewhere. Anywhere, just so I could get away.

I ran as fast as my two legs could carry me, my lungs burning with need for stopping of my activity. Not so long after, I have ran into a man. A very tall, bulky man that was definetely a werewolf.
His dark eyes watched me with joy and slight worry, scanning my body carefully for any possible injuries that I could've earned.

"Luna." He bowed his head, greeting me to which I returned the greeting. My heart was still pumping blood faster than ever, my lungs out of breath.
"Everyone was looking for you Luna, are you alright?" He questioned once he noticed the look on my face that read pain.
But it was most definitely not physical.

"please." I whined,
"Can you take me to Brutus?" Questioning, I instantly saw as he nodded eagerly, starting to walk in a yet unknown direction.
But, truth to be told, every direction in these woods was unknown to me.

"Alpha has been desperately looking for you, Luna. He will be so happy when he sees you."


Nearing the front door, I instantly could hear Brutus' voice. He was roaring, which meant that he was angier than usual.
No one's car was parked in front of the house, so I could take a guess that he was talking on the phone with someone.

Cracking open the door and sliding myself inside of the house, I could instantly see him. His broad back was turned to me, a telephone gripped into the spacing of his fingers.
"I will tear your head off your shoulders if you don't find her by-" He started rosring once again, but froze once he fully turned around in my direction.
His eyes blowing wide along with his pupils, he threw the telephone carelessly to the side and sprinted his way towards me.

Emotions hit me once he gathered me in his embrace, I uncontrollably started sobbing into the crook of his meck where his intoxicating scent was the strongest.
Gripping me tighter than ever, he curled his fingers in my hair comfortingly.

"Mia bella, don't cry." He whispered into my ear, pressing a feather light kiss right below it.
"I love you Brutus." I hiccupped, pressing my lips against his. Without a second thought, he returned the kiss with much more passion than ever before.

This was it.
I was about to become fully his.

"Take me." I whispered in his ear, feeling under my fingertips as goosebumps rose on his usually always smooth skin.

Looking at me, I noticed as his eyes sparked with a hue of red color, peppered with clouding lust that instantly radiated onto my body also.
His wolf was showing, his true form.

"Make me yours."

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