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Y/N's pov

After we left, Erca keep punching me because of what did I said ago.

"Girls the other member have a very busy day in this week Chaewa you have to practice your solo songs cause YG-nim want to release your song in the middle of February Daewan and Erca you have a photoshoot with Gfriend Sowon and Yuju in wednesday,Nhovie you have a solo photoshoot for Addidas and Puma in Tuesday,Ley you'll go in Hongdae for your fanmeeting and start practicing your new song lastly Y/N you will go in variety show called weekly idol in wednesday and you need to promote your song promise (a/n:Its BTS Jimin song but just imagine it) and wait Triple P need to perform in Puma event and there will be some interview  with Blackpink okay girls get some rest cause you will be a very busy person this week.",manager Lee said then leaves us in the room.

"Woah its very tiring just imagining it makes me tired",I said while laying my head in table.

"Aigoo its fun tho",Nhovie said then stand up.

"Where are you going?"Chaewa ask her.

"Having some fun kidding i'll jusf walk outside ",she answer.

"Lemme go with you !!",Jaz and Daewan said in unison then they both chuckle.

"Let's go",Nhovie said then they leave the room.

"Eonnie I'll just get some milk in cafeteria",I said then leave them heading to the YG's cafeteria in second floor.I'm in 6 floor so I'll just use elevator, I enter the elevator and wait until it reach the 2 floor when the door open I immediately look for some milk in refrigerator cause I'm craving over it finally I found the box of milk and I get the two milk and leave the café I run toward the elevator but before I could reach it I bump in someone.

"Yah gwenchana?",the guys said then I look on it oh its Hanbin hyung I called them hyung cause I hate being called noona.

"Yeah hyung I'm fine sorry",I appologize on him .

"Your just a clumsy hyung always take care okay",he said while patting my head then leave me.

"Ne!!!",I shout. I push the bottom of elevator then wait to open the door .When the door open I immediately enter and notice someone but I ignore it .

"I wonder what taste you could be",I said while eyeing the two canned milk.

"I taste delicious",the person answer from my back which make me startled and then when I found who say it my heart beat so fast.

"J-jennie eunie ahh annyeong",I said then  bow.

"Your so formal Y/N-ah I hate it",she said while faking her cry gosh help anyone she's so adorable.

"Really? sorry",I apologize

"Where you heading now?",she ask me while pulling down her white mask she's so freaking gorgoes!!wait Y/N calm down.

" I-i dont know",I answer her but where the heck did I get that I should go back in my eonnies.

"Oh?you really don't know huh if you don't mind if you come with me in the rooftop."she said.Whats happening!!!

"Oh sure",I said then she give me the one of her best smile which make blush.

"You okay?is there something in my face Y/N-ah?",she asked while waving her hand in my face oh shoot did I stare in her face in longger time damn it its embarassing.

"Ahh sorry eonnie",I answer her and turn around.After of the ackward scene we stop talking and wait until the elevator open which she push the botton in last floor of the building ago.My ears became deaf because of the silence between Jennie and I when I'm about to speak the elevator open and the heavy wind slap my whole face the air was very strong but the weather is good.We can saw the sunset because its almost dark.

"I love going here if I have a problem the wind comfort me and just sitting here while watching the whole city make me calm",Jennie said while closing her eyes and feel the calm and cold wind that hit her small face.I was speechles because I don't know what to react I'm just busy staring her face with full of love I'm deeply inlove with her and I know it.I just can't confess cause I'm scared to be rejected and maybe she's straight as a ruler I don't want to be hurted.

"I like your hobby",she said in out of nowhere which make me confuse.

"Hobby?",I ask her.

"Yeah you keep staring at me in almost 5 mins. maybe its your hobby am I right?",she said while grinning which made my jaw drop.

"For the second time I apologize",I said while bowing then I heard her chuckle.

"Don't mind it anyway when will drink those milk?you are free here tho",she said while eyeing my two can milk.

"Oh I forget you can have here let's share I can't drink all of them ",I said while handing over her the can.

"Thank you",she said then accept I just smile and nod then we open it and start drinking.

"You said ago that you always go here when you have a problem so do you have a problems right now?",I ask her to avoid having a quiet atmosphere between the both of us.

"For now I don't have if your going to ask me why I bring you here well I just want to try some new person",she reply while drinking her milk.Am I new person?of course not I live here in YG ent. in almost 9 years.

"Are you saying that I'm new?well I doubt that let me tell you eonnie I live here in 9 years",I said in my sarcastic tone.

"Relax you have a short temper haven't you?what I mean is new person like you the person who have no closure with me almost all of the artist here are my friends but your not we even didn't know each other well not just like your other members they always hanging out with me if I have a free time",she explain while facing me.Yeah she's right my members are her friend but not me but duh I'm close with my other senior, the problem is I have a feelings for you Jennie I just don't want to fall for you even if I'm already fell its because I know you will hurt me in end.

"Idon'tknowhowtoinetractwithotherpeoplethatswhyIcan'thavemyfirstmoveforyouIhavenoconfidencesorry",I said while breathing some air.

"Wow you really the main rapper but I am a main rapper too right the problem is I'm not a technology to make slow the words you say so can you say it again in a nice way Y/N?",she said softly.

"Ah I'm shy",I said while looking down then I heard her laugh.

"You shoudn't be shy tho I'm just Jennie your neighbor here in building why would you get shy I don't know you have that side Y/N I thought you don't give a shit in everyone but look at you",she said between her laugh and then here I am trying to calm my self from embrassment.Yes your just Jennie but I have a feelings for you I love you you should know that I should not saying that in my thought but its very hard.

"Eonnie stop laughing its embarassing",I said then she fix her self and face me her face is red its because of her laughter you know what Jen if I didn't love you I should punch your face right now but your my world so I won't do that.

"Ok ok listen Y/N you should be one of my friend you have fun and maybe you have more side that reveal if we are in situation like this right?Its very funny Y/N",she said then burst in to laughter.It seems her laugh is a music in my ears that I can't live evryday without hearing it I hope I would hear that everyday.But I don't like it when you say we should be friend I felt my heart hurt a bit but I should accept the truth .

"Yeah we should be a friend eonnie and can we go back now its getting cold",I said then walk toward the elevator leaving her alone in there then I hear some foot step coming in my back .We enter the elevator and talk about our schedule until we reach the floor for us and bid our goodbye so we could get our rest.I think this night is one of the best night happen for me and its all because of you Jen.

A/n:just remind you my dear readers I'm a lazy author but be more patient okay?anyways please voteu voteu ehie~


I'm on hellevator~

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