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Y/N's pov

I woke up because I feel heavy in my shoulder I open my eyes and found out I'm in bed I remember I sleep last night in his car maybe Kai bring me here.Because I was facing the right side I turn in my left side but then my eyes widely open when I saw someone in my bed which is I don't like.I hit her with a pillow then she groan and fix her hair and look at me still sleepy.My whole world upside down when I saw who is it how did Jennie sleep with me?I thought she's with Kai.

"Jennie what are you doing here Kai will look for you now !",I said in panic but she pull my collar so my face was very near to her

"I'm still sleepy please lay here I want to feel your warm",she said cutely with made my heart flutter.

"Wh-what are you saying?",I ask her cause I really don't know what's happening.

"Argh I choose you okay I explain everything to him last night he understand me and he told me to stay with you until tomorrow so here I am can you lay now?",she said while yawning so I just lay still staring at her when she hug me tightly she's very cute does she mean their relationship are done and I have a chance? Omygod I feel happy and sad for Kai.Because of happiness I pull out in Jennie's embrace and transfer in her top so I corner her with my both hand while smiling .

"What are you doing?",she ask me when she saw me.

"I didn't lost right?",I ask her then she furrow her eyebrow and fix her body so her face are in mine and we just inch away to each other.

"Yeah yeah you win",she said while laughing so because of excitement I give her a quick peck in her lips then she surprise.

Jennie look at me while wearing her smirk then she wrap her arms in my neck which made me lay on her body.She pull my head so our lips will met we kiss each other passionately its full of love and I can never feel the lust or so what ever.She move her lips gently so I could follow her flow.The passionate kiss start to change Jennie bite my lips so I open it slightly then she enter tongue and explore my mouth I just let her do what she want cause I don't have any experience I moan when she sip my tongue.

"Jennie-ah what are we doing?",I ask her playfully trying to tease her.

"Argh stop kidding me",she said when she push me to other side then she get up and sit in my tummy.

"Jennie we're not going to do this if your not mine",I said while grinning.

Jennie lean over to me and lay her elbow in the bedsheet .

"I'm yours now and your mine so I could do everything I want to you remember I'm the boss",she said then buried her face in my neck amd lick some skin of it so I let out some soft moan then she chuckled.

"Seriously even in moaning your still cute?",

"Argh I'm not!!"'I protest then moan again when she lick my earlobe.

"Jennie",I moan her name then she face me.

"Yes?",she playfully ask then I groan and held her face. I reach her lips so our lips connected again.

We kiss very aggressively I can now feel the hot atmosphere so I fix my hair then start to undress her I take off her top shirt well her bra was only cover her top body I trace her abs because I amaze.Jennie who was fill of sweat tear my upper pajama then throw it somewhere I was about to speak but then she grind in my lap and I can clearly feel how much wet she is.

"Fuck it Jen your so wet",I said when I sit and kiss her lips again while my hand travel in her back and unhooked her bra I pull away and look how it fell from her breast.

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