Puma Event⭐

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Y/N's pov

Today was the event for Puma which us the triple P will perform in there and have an interview with Blackpink.Ley and Erca are still in restroom cause they have to shit so I decided to have a walk in the building which the event occur.When I pass the other dressing room someone called me.


"Oh Rosé eonnie",I greet her.Wow she was so gorgeous in her outfit.

"Where's Ley",

"They are still in restroom but I'm sure they will came here soon by the way you look gorgeous in your outfit eonnie",I compliment her then I caught her blush.

"Really thank you ,You look queen of swag in your outfit tho hahaha",She laugh awkwardly cause she's keep blushing.

"Thank you too",

"Rojeeeee",Ley shout from the back so we look at her.

"I was looking for you in long time why didn't you answer my text",Rosé scold her which I find it cute.

"Y/N lets leave the two couple here",Erca said then pull me away from them.

"Couple?",I ask her

"Duhh your so late updated ehh you didn't know that they are dating in 2 months from now",she explain which made my jaw drop.I was speechless in what she said I knew it there is something in this two but why Ley didn't tell me that bitch.I even promise myself to find out what's going on between them but the reality is I'm the one who know it late annoying.

"She was so lucky",

"Yeah she is but I'm the luckiest",Erca said while smirking what's going on.

"What do you mean?",

"Know it by yourself",she said then leave .I hate her why does they keep hiding a secret from me but anyway I'm hiding too .

We proceed in stage and my world stop when I saw Jennie in her outfit she was more gorgeous like hell my saliva are starting leak disgusting!!!!I can't help to avoid looking at her so in my third stare on her she caught me then she smile widely I smile like an idiot cause her impact on me is very high.When they are performing att the stage I'm just watching her in every move she did and sometime she made an eye contact with me but then avoid it.The fans from the audience seat are being hyper when they done when its my team turn we performe it very classy suddenly when Erca was doing her step backward with her foot its my turn to sing my part but I stumble in her shoes which made kneel in floor she tap me to ask if I'm okay then I just nod but then I stand up and act normal like nothing happen even fans are keep cheering me up. I'm in kpop industry for almost 2 years so I should act professional.When we finish our performace we live the stage so the staff can fix the table and couch  to start the interview.I sat in floor and massage my knee cause it feel hurt my other memver didn't notice me cause they have a convo with the organizer of Puma so when the stuff saw my situation she give me cold water to put it in my knee.

"You said your okay what a liar",Erca said from my back.

"I'm fine",I reply then she sit beside me

"You may got a bruise",a familar voice said in my front so I look up and saw her Jennie.

"Then it won't make me die right ?",I ask her.

"Does it hurt?",she ask me back ignoring my question for her.I just nod for my respond then she kneel in my front and caress my knee.

"What are you doing?",I ask her.But my heart beat so fast when she kiss my knee.I look at Erca then she have the same reaction with me then she chuckled.

"My mom always do that everytime I got a bruise",she explain the pat my head like a kid.

"Hey its only for the kids why did you do it!",I ask her then Erca shake her head in disbelief.

"What are you saying your just 21 years old your still a kid", she reply then Erca left us cause she can't handle the scene.

"Haa I'm not a kid anymore I'm adult now",I said in sarcastic way then she kneel again and face me raising her eye brow.

"Your not a kid?so prove it",she said then lean her face in mine which made me lean because of her strange movement.

"What are you doing move",I said then I tried to stand up but I stumble a bit then she hold my hand to support me.I finally stand up because of her help her hand are in my wait supporting my weight and the other one is in my arm.I just pray to God that she can't hear my heart beat thats because of her.

"Hey what's going on?",Jisoo ask Jennie and I as she saw us in our position.

"Did you saw her kneel in stage well she got a bruise",Jennie explain then Jisoo scan for my knee and saw the fresh bruise.

"Your so clumsy just take care always okay sajangnim will get worried you know how much he care for his artist right?",She said then caress my cheeks.Jisoo eonnie treat me as her little sis so she will be like tgis if something happen to me.

"I can handle her eonnie",Jennie said then pull Jisoo eonnie wrist in my cheeks which made us wonder.

"Ok by the way the interview will start in 3 mins  and you know what I'm tired standing here beside of this stage I really want to see my Blinks ",she said then peek out at the curtain but accidentaly she pull it harder so the curtain fall revealing us we get shocked as well as the fans but then the crowd squeal and scream Jennie and my name as I realize that we are still in our position .I tried to move away but Jennie smack my arms to stop from moving so I obey her.

"Jisoo -yah why did you do that!!",the staff said in frustration but then chuckled when Jisoo do a sorry aegyo.He then began to take the curtain and bring it backstage cause its now ussless.

"Girls fix up we will start.",the director said then the other girls are starting to fix themselves and I want to fix myself to but I can't cause I'm in Jennie's embrace which Iove secretly.

"Eonnie I will fix mysel",I told her tyen she look up at me.She is very adorable cause she is very small she's just level in my neck.

"You don't need to your too much pretty as I am",She said then I get blush so I put my head in her head she didn't protest and I don't know why.Some fans who saw it squeal so I bring up my head and act normal.

"I think I can stand now",I said so she can get her arms in my body.

"You sure?",

"Yes",I answer then she take her arms in my body so I tried to walk but my knee still  trembling a bit.She sigh in what she did she really care for?If that so I should celebrate and thanks my bruise but kill my knee cause it has a chance to feel Jennie's lips.

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