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Third person POV's

As what they deal last night.After of the practice Y/N buy outside a food for Jennie.She then bring it to the Blackpink practice room.

Y/N knock in Blackpink practice room and Jisoo open it revealing the 4 girls making their sit at the floor while bathing at their own sweat.

"Hi",Y/N said in no emotion so Jisoo raise her eye brow and chuckled.

"Y/N-ssi come in",she said and open the door widely."Guys Y/N is here for her boss of course",she tease her so when Jennie saw her she immediately give her a piece sign.

"Took you so long",the brunette said while making her way to the latter.

"I don't know someone was waiting for me so I just hang with some other girls",Y/N lied while smirking too.

"What?!your a flirt Y/N Park!!how dare you to do that I was waiting for you in like 1 years then your in there flirting with other girls for pete sake",Jennie said while crossing her arm in her chest and raising her eyebrow.

"Eonnie-yah she has a freedom to do what she want tho",Lisa butt in.

"Whatever I told her last night to bring my lunch here but argh",she said desperately.Which made her co-member chuckled.

"Your mad?",Y/N ask her calmly while still wearing her smirk.

"Who the hell won't get mad ----",

"You look adorable eonnie",Y/N said and pinch her cheeks not waiting to finish her senior words and walk inside and sit at the floor with other girls leaving Jennie alone in the doorway blushing.

"I'm just joking eonnie I didn't go somewhere else",she calmly added.

Jennie then follow the 4 girls who sitted at the floor she sit in front of Y/N to face her.

"Then that joke was the worse one I ever heard",Jennie reply which earn some chuckle from Y/N.

"Eonnie-ah do you mean mine and Jisoo eonnie joke is not the worse joke you ever heard?",the maknae ask her while munching her food.

"Aghh Lisa how can you butt in at their convo your so amazing",Rosé said in disbelieve while unwrap her second sandwich.

"Jenduek you should eat now cause we're going to practice again",Jisoo said so Y/N give to Jennie the food she buy outside.

"Maybe its not hot ",Y/N said.

"Its fine cause I'm already hot",Jennie confidently said so Y/N chuckle and the girls laugh so she give them a glare.

When the 4 girls eating then lunch silently it make Y/N uncomfortable so she plan to leave.She stood up which the 4 girls made their attention to her.

"Can I go now?the pubishment was done right?",she ask her so called boss.

"No-no-no you will sit here and wait for me until we finish practice",she command the girl which she forrow her eyebrow.

"But Sana eonnie want to meet me we're going somewhere",Y/N explain.

Jennie flinch when she heard Sana's name she doesn't why her blood boil when she hear Y/N was going out with her.She knew that Sana was a friendly person but she is very clingy and flirt to Y/N she saw it at the award show tho Sana was not even care if there was a camera film them.

"Y/N-ah you can go now you might get bored here if you just watching us right?",Jisoo said which the other gurl hum as a respond.

"You girls are wonderful so why would I get bored but if you insist then I'll take my leave ",She said then bow at them.Before she could turn around she take a look to Jennie but she seems no emotion in her face.Y/N shrug it off and get out of the room.

"Jisoo do you know how much I respect you but why the hell you let her leave this room did you forget that I was the reason why she's here?now look she's with that flirt girl!!!I hate you I have a lot of things that I want to see her but you ruin it",Jennie said who explode from her madness .

"Eonnie stop talking when your mouth is full your wasting some food",Rosé said while pointing the little piece of food that came out at her mouth so Jennie cover her mouth because of embarassment.

"Jendueke stop making some excuses why you can't say your jealous",Jisoo said while laughing.

"Yah she's right your so possessive eonnie ",Lisa butt in which Jennie give her a punch in her shoulder so the Thai girl scream.

"I'm not jealous and possessive ",She shout but the two dork just laugh.

"Eonnie can I have that hamburger please",Rosé said while pouting so Jennie give her the hamburger cause she can't handle her cuteness.

"Girls let's just practice again",Jisoo said then they gathered up and fix.

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