Past life⭐

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Y/N's pov

I woke up in the morning because of the shout of my eonnie here in our house.What the heck are they doing in this morning no one can disturb me while I'm sleeping.I angrily stand up and get out of my room without minding what was my look.

"Why the hell you guys are shouting in this fxcking morning!!??",I shout in out of my lungs.

"Ohh sorry there was a cockcroach in there",Nhovie said while pointing under the table .

"Then why are you sitting in there?",I point her cause she's sitting in table while hugging her knee what a coward.

"I-I'm scared you know so mind you if you kill those shit?",she said.

"No way",

"Your a coward too!!",

"No I'm not!!!",

"Then take that off if your not coward",

"Excuse me its not my business",I said while crossing my arms.

"Duhhh you should kill that because you said your not coward",

"You know what your so annoying and coward bleehhhh!!!",I said while sticking my tongue out which make her look at me in disbelief.Then I run toward the sofa and open my phone.

"What a childish Y/N Park!!!! Get the cockcroach here!!!",she shout then I just laugh in here behavior.Nhovie and I always bickering each other but we have a good relationship.I then heard the door from another room open I glance to that person and found out that its Erca.

"Why are you guys are yelling?",she ask Nhovie calmly.

"She won't help me to get rid the cockcroach",she reply while faking her sob.

"Yahh your a mouse you can rid it",I tease her.

"See she's so mean",Nhovie said.

"Gosh its only a cockcroach then the both of you are fighting I can't believe this",Erca said while sigh deeply then get the cockcroah under the table.

"Yey your so great my anpanman!!",Nhovie said whipe clapping her hand.

"Its dead guys",Erca said then throw the body of the insect in the trash can.

"Disgusting",Nhovie said while having a disgust expression.

"Just like you",I said coldly then proceed to my room then lock my door.I heard her yell then I just chuckle I then throw my body in my bed then think of something.My other eonnie are already starting their task that gave by our manager yesterday.Speaking of yesterday I still can't get over in what did happen last night like omy god I spend my night with her gosh I can't sleep last night because of it Jennie Kim you making me crazy.

*knock knock*

I lazily live my bed and open the door to find out who the heck is this person.

"Hey Y/N can you go with me in grocery store were out of stock",Ley said then I look at her outfit it seem she's ready to go.

"I'm not in the mood right now you can ask the other",I said then sit at the edge of my bed while looking at her.

"Erca was coking for our lunch while Nhovie and Daewan starting to was their laundry and Jaz was cleaning the whole house so I came here for you cause you didn't do anything",She said while leaning in my door and I she's right I didn't do anything in our house.

"K fine just wait me in living room",I said then push her outside of the room and close my door.I exhale heavily because I'm very lazy to do anything right now tomorrow is wednesday and I have to attend the TV program which is weekly idol and at the rest of that day I will be a busy person but I think its fine so my lazy ass won't be lazy forever.After wearing all black outfit which is black loose t-shirt,black jogging pants,black jacket,black puma shoes,black mask and black cap in short I'm in all black I like wearing same color if I suit a color black then it should be all of my dress are black.I then put some light make up and get out of my room.

"Wow you look like grim ripper",Ley tease me but I ignore her.

"No she's not she look like kidnapper",Nhovie said then laugh.I look at her while raising my right eyebrow.

"Then you will be my first target and put you in the room with full of cockcroach",I said then smirk yah girl don't me.

"Yahh stop it!!!Y/N let's go bye guys we will came back early",Ley said while dragging me out of our house to avoid war between me and that rat.

"Where's our van?",I ask her because I can see our van.

"Chaewa and Daewan eonnie use it with manager Min so we will ride some taxi here",She said while looking at her phone.

"Whose was that?",I ask her while peeking in her phone but then she hide it.

"Nothing",she said and then I'm surely she's smiling because I can see it in her eyes even if she's wearing a mask.

"Ok",I just reply cause I don't really care in their business.

After of 101 minutes there's a taxi stop in out direction and we didn't hesistate to enter it.Then Ley tell to the driver the place we go the he just nod.I lean my head at the window and watch the view outside I can see the Han river bridge over her and its one of my comforter place everytime I have a difficult day.Since then my real house is just near in that river I remember how I play in the water when I was a 10 years old my dad and my mom who is sitting in the wheelchair watching me while my 3 step brothers playing basketball.

"Y/N do you want your mom proud of you?",my mom ask me which made little Y/N look at her.

"Yes Mommy!!!I want you to be proud of me and also my favorite Daddy in the world",I said while smiling widely.

"What do you want to be in future princess?",mom ask me while smiling.

"I want to be known in all over the world I want to give mommy a very beautiful big big house even if daddy already give her",I said motion my hand in circular way.

"I'm so glad that you have that great dream princess I really want to see you growing up in the future I want to found out how the whole worlds know my one and only princess",mom said while pinching my cheeks.

"Princess your daddy will be proud of you too",my dad said smiling .

"Hey me too",My step brother Jimin said.

"Me too",my older step brother Bo gum said while jumping like a kid even if he's already 15.

"I will be proud brother too",lastly my younger step brother Chanyeol said then they laugh.I can't deny it I have the luckiest family ever we are so happy just having this kind of moment.I was very close with my mom she's my bestfriend slash my diary cause I always tell her everything what's going on in my life.My dad is an office worker but even if his a very busy man he still make sure to have time with us.The old me is very bubbly and very positive girl its because my mom tell me to be like that but not until one day my dad came home crying with my other brothers.I ask them what's going on but they didn't answer me so I look for my mom but unfortunately I didn't find her I was tearing up too because I don't know why.Then my dad hug me very tight then cry in my shoulder he tell me my mom was gone because she didn't survive in her heart surgery.I didn't know what his saying cause I'm just a little kid that time so he explain on me again that my Mom is in heaven guiding me and will never comeback.I cried out loud when he said my Mom won't never came back she tell me that she want to see me in the future to be known in whole world but why did she left me why did she left us so soon.

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