Embarassing Moment⭐

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Y/N 's pov

After of the scene ago I became behave in my seat and just listen to the mc.Some group are called and accept their awards as one of the YG family we are also happy when Blackpink won as the award as artist of the year.

"Lets see who will be the top artist in chart",one of the mc said then the symbol of some group and ours can be seen at the screen as it was voted by fans.Got7,Redvelvet,EXO,Gfriend,SVT,Twice and BP are eliminated only my group and BTS are in there.Everyone are holding their breath as waiting for the winner but I just shrug it off cause all of us know that BTS was very popular all over the world so no need to wonder why they always won and I will just congratulation them later especially my brother.

Third person's pov

As all audience are waiting for the group to know  who will win as the best popular artist of the year.Y/N had her own world she keep playing in her water bottle  and doesn't give a shit to the screen.Meanwhile the other fans and idols are holding their breath to find out who will won cause the voting gap are very close to each other but some of them know BTS will receive the award.Finally the result came up and guess what BTS got a vote of 750,950 thousand while the St⭐rk got a 750,955 it just 5 voted gap.Scream and shout from fans can hear at the event and some of them are disappointed.Y/N's co-member are also shock and can't even stand up as they cover they mouth while some of them are tearing up.The other idols are cheering them but Y/N who was out of the world keep clapping in her seat not realizing they won.

"Congratulation to our Best Popular Artist of the Year St⭐rk please come up and accept your award and have a speech for your dearest fans.",the MC said so the 6 members stand and go to stage but they didn't know Y/N was stil clapping in her seat.Other idols and fans are wonder and confuse of her attitude cause she should follow them but she didn't.In other hand Jisoo pat her shoulder which made Y/N startled and look at her.

"Why didn't you follow your member in stage?",

She ask her but Y/N confuse and look at the stage her eyes get wide and shocked as she realize what's going on.


Omaygod that the only word are in my mind I can't believe this is happening.When I realize that we won I immediately jump in my seat and run to the stage as fast as I can not minding that it could be caught in camera.It was in the middle of Chaewa's speech and I saw Nhovie,Daewa,Ley are crying when I came some fans are shouting and laughing gosh this is embarassing.I bow in fans front for apolagize but my member didn't saw it.They are facing me back saw they can't see me I jump from behind of Erca and ride her back which made her surprise and stumble in her place it cause Chaewa's attention focus on us and then she laugh.

"Shine!!! Again thank you very very much",She said then give the mic on me which made me step back because of sudden aprroach.I was thinking twice if I could get it cause if I didn't Shine will get disappoint.So I get the mic and stand in their front and clear my voice.

"Ehmm Hello Shine~~!!!I was speechless  today and I even didn't realize we won so ahm the scene ago was ah very embarassing but please don't make it fun I'm shy",I said while scratching my neck and looking down.I then heard some question from my member at my back but I ignore them."Shine-ah thank you very much because without you we're not here in stage,receiving this award,saying speech on you and also this pink rosé I mean roses",I said then I get punch in my shoulder from my other members then other fans laugh too."The truth is I was in deep thought ago I'm thinking of who will won the award and I was thinking that BTS sunbaenim will win cause they are very talented and popular all over the world but this is strange we won,competing with a very big group make me lost my hope cause were just 2 years in kpop industry but I realize that I should be more proud in my group with Shine cause you guys are in there for us making shine in our life without all of you were nothing we are not here in front of you my family my member's family will be proud of us and its because of you Shine.I will promise in each of you we will receive more awards in future St⭐rk will work hard but all of you should promise that Shine will never leave their St⭐rk.And Yang Hyun Sik sajangnim thank you very much lets produce more song this year let make it as hit song in all over the world were in your back thank you ",I finally said while tears covered my whole face .Shine scream and chant their fan chant while we do our group hug and bow in front of them.

We then go back to our seat while holding our trophy.I sit between Erca and Nhovie who was keep laughing when they ask Jisoo eonnie whats happen to me ago.

"Y/N-ah you mention my name ago you made me shock",Rosé said when she tap my shoulder so I turn around to her whille smiling and trying to wipe the tears in my face but my wrist hold by someone.

"Your make up will mess ",Jennie said then get the tissue in her pocket and wipe the tears in ny face.I was froze cause her face was so close in mines my heart beats so loud again cause she is so gorgeous!."You didn't mention me bad girl!",she said then pinch my cheeks and made me blush so Lisa tease me then I playfully punch her.I immediately turn around so fans will won't caught that scene but maybe they did cause they are just in our back and side what a trouble maker you are Jennie Kim.

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