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Third person pov

St⭐ark gathered up and plan to have a Vlive to randomly talk in their fans "Shine" .When they sat at the small couch which made the triple Park sit at the floor because they can't fit in there.They open the phone and start the Vlive.

"Hana deul set incridible St⭐rk imnida~",the 7 girls said in unison .

"Shine~~we miss you!!!",their member name Nhovie shouted as Y/N who sitted beside her put her both hand in her ear.

"Can you not that loud",Y/N protest then the rest of them laugh.

Little they don't know  Blackpink walk in their direction and the 4 girls saw them having fun.

"Eonnie it is okay to join them right?",Rosé ask her older member.

"I think so ,let join them kaja",Their older member name Jisoo said and then they walk toward the 7 girls.

"Ohh blackpink sunbaenim annyeong~",Jaemin greet them and then follow by the rest of their member.

"Eonnie-yah we don't know what to do now were having a Vlive",their leader Chaewa said while laughing ackwardly.

"Its okay girls",Jisoo said and then sit in floor then make the triple P startled.

"Ahhh where should we sit?",Jennie ask them.

"Eonnie you can sit here",Daewan said while pointing the space beside of Erca.

"How about us",the two giant ask them while pouting which make Erca and Ley smile Y/N notice it and elbow the both of them.

"Here you both sit here",Chaewa said and then point at the back of Y/N which make the maknae move forward .

"Shine seniors are here say Hi",Erca said which make the Blackpink member laugh.

"Hi Shine and blinks if there is ",They said in unison .

"Eonnie do you guys don't have a schedule today?",Ley ask them to make a convo.

"Ahh we don't have tho we have a rest day yeyyyy!!!!!",Lisa said while clapping.

"Aigoo",Y/N react on her which she got a smack on her arm from Erca.

"Yahh why did you said that she's very sensitive you know",Erca said while not looking at them then silent fill the two group."Erhm Y/N!!! you want to play rock-paper-scissor right? You beg it on me ago right lets play hehe",she said ackwardly trying her best to change the convo.

"Your stupid",Y/N said and then face the phone ."Shine Shine Shine your my SunShine shine",she said while making an aegyo in front of the camera."How was that?",she then ask Erca.

"WahahahHahahaha you look like dog", Jaemin said while patting the legs of Daewan.

"I thought she hate doing some stuff like that",Jisoo said in disbelief.

"Me too ",Jennie said in agreement while Y/N turn to her and unfortunately they get an eye contact session.Jennie smile and the other girls saw Y/N's reaction it was priceless she immediately turn around to avoid the teasing.

"By the way girls how about we play truth or dare",Lisa suggest which made the other girls look at her.

"Sound great Lis",Jisoo said .

"Ok eonnie we will join",St⭐rk said except Y/N cause she's not into game.

"Y/N you want to join?",Daewan ask her then she just shake her head and came near to the phone.

"Aigoo our kj maknae everyone",Ley said in disbelief while lookong the phone.

"I just don't want and you don't care",I said and ignore them.

"Fine",Daewan reply.

"Ok girl lets just play and don't mind the other one let just imagine she's not here or she's not exist."Erca said while laughing.

"Yahhh!!!"Y/N shout and kick Erca .


Y/N ignore her and the rest play their game while Y/N having her own world with her fans.Meanwhile the other girls start their game.

"I have this one bottle so if someone point the top we will ask her",Jaz said which made the other girls nod.

"ok spin it",Rosé shout then the bottle spin and it point on Ley.

"Owwwwwww!!!!!",the other girls tease.

"Truth or dare?",Jaz ask her.


"Then tell me you credit card number",Jaz said .

"What noway!!!!",Ley shout which made the other laugh."I'll choose dare!".

"Ok so I dare you to give me your credit card number",Jaz said while smirking which made the latter scream.

"What was that?",out of nowwhere Y/N ask them.

"Ahhh did you guys hear something am I hallucinating ?",Erca playfully said which she  made the other laugh again.

"Yahhh Park Erca!!",Y/N shout then jump over Erca which make her lay in floor and sit in her stomach she then playfull choke her neck.

"I'm telling you Park Erca if you won't stop that I will throw your lego collection and tell to everyone that you like Lisa Manoban!!!",Y/N said angrily not knowing the last word that came in her mouth and for sure fans from all over the world hear it.

"What was that",Jisoo said in disbelief.

"I thought it just a fan service because shine and blink ship us but agh",Chaewa said still looking at the two girl in floor.

"Now Y/N get your body in mines ",Erca said which make Y/N get up .

"Look I-im just teasing her she don't like Lisa eonnie okay she's so annoying you know buddy I'll treat you a lunch later",Y/N while scratching her nape.

"Yeah right I like someone else wanna know it?",Erca said then made the other girls focus on her ."I like Shine",.

"Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha",Ley laugh playfully with her hands clapping.

"I think its enough Shine bye bye see you again",Chaewa said then immediately turn off the phone."Y/N your dead",.

"What why me I didn't do anything perhaps its not tr----ahhhhhgghhhh ",y/n scream when Ley bite her arm."what's your problem!!!",

"Lisa eonnie sorry if this girl say it ahm just don't mind it okay hehehe",Jaemin said ackwardly.

"Ahhh its okay girls don't beat Y/N cause I know what's the feeling of being beated by the other eonnie right?",she said then look at her eonnie.

"What do you mean Lisa Manoban?",Jennie ask her which made the latter ackwardly smile.

"N-nothing ",

"St⭐rk we need to talk about your schedule",their manager pop out said then they nod.

"Unnie were going to leave now see you around",Nhovie said then they bow at their front then the 4 girls bow too.

A/N:hey guys sorry for my wrong grammar and typos don't forget to vote.


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