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Y/N's pov

I woke up earlier cause I feel excited because finally I can see my Daddy.I get out of my room and saw my other membrs having their kwn world.

"Guys my Daddy will be here do you want to meet him?",I ask them happily.

"Yeah I want!!!",Erca said enthusiastically.

"So lets fix up he will came here any time",I said and they run to their room to fix.

When I'm finish in my daily routine I sit in the couch to wait for my Daddy he will know it cause I always tell him everything.Suddenly my phone rang so I pick it up and saw the callers ID.

"Hey Daddy where are you I'm excited to see you",

"Sweetie its been a long time I was waiting here for you in YG's building",

"What???why didn't you tell me ",

"Please go here now they keep staring at me",

"Copy that see you in there",

When I put down the phone I told my member to hurry.When they finish we ride the van with my manager.

"Y/N I'm nervous",Ley said while holding her hands so I just laugh.

"Look he was a nice man inside but scary in outside",I said

"Just like you?",Erca ask me so I elbow her.

"Eonnie just act normal he won't bite ",

"We have your words Y/N Park",Chaewa said while looking at her so she nod.

When we arrive at building I ran inside and ask some staff about my Daddy and they said he was in living room with sajangnim so I go to the living room with my members.

"Daddy!!!!",I yell when I saw him sitting at the couch he stand up and spread his arm widely and I embrace him with a hug.

"Aww did my princess miss me?",He ask me while patting my head .

"I did very much",I said while still hugging him.

"Daddy won't leave you okay?I plan to not came back in America so I have a time to spend at you here and also manage my business here",he said while I let go of myself in embrace.

"Dad!!!I was planning to go with you if you came back in America",I said in frustration.

"Then you could go in there with your members right?",he said while leaning in my side so he can see my members at my bacm.

"Really?o my god!!!anyway Daddy this is Cahewa,Daewan,Jaemin,Nhovi,Ley and Erca",I said while poiting my members.

"I'm Park Hyeon Joo nice to meet you",Daddy said while bowing.

"Nice to meet you Mr.Park",They all said in unison so I tried my best to not laugh then I saw Mr.Yang smiling.

"By the way its seems you meet our boss".

"Ah yeah we talk a lot ago",Dad said while sit in couch.

"You didn't tell me Y/N you came from in wealthy family",Sajangnim said in disbelieve so I just giggled.

"Mr.Yang if you don't mind if I could meet your artist here",Daddy said .

"Of course you can",YG-nim said.

"I'll call them sajangnim",Ley said then left the room.

"Dad who will manage the two restaurant in there?",I ask him.

"I left it to my friend by the way his daughter want to see you so she will came here in Seoul tomorrow after she file her leave in her training as a business woman.",Daddy said so I nod.Then I heard some noise coming from the hallway so our attention caught it and we saw Blackpink,Winner,and iKON.

The 3 groups introduce themselves to my Daddy so when he introduce himself some of then surprise cause my Daddy was very known richman in Seoul.Daddy talk to them a lot they look like friends cause some of them throwing some joke but then sajangnim called me to follow him in his office so I obliged.

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