Vlive BPxY/N⭐

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Y/N's pov

Morning has come which mean another day to do the routine what's my groups did always like practice,photoshoot,fanmeeting and more.Luckily for me when I done practicing my new song I don't have any schedule so I have some time to relax.While I'm in the hallway in YG building Blackpink called me to go to them in couch so I run like a kid and sit beside them then they laugh at my strange action.

"Y/N-ahh your in Vlive",Rosé said so I alnost stumble when I heard it.

"Eonnie you didn't tell me I will leave now",I tell them and stand up but someone pull me which made me sit in her lap I look back to know who is it then I saw Jennie wearing my favorite smile.Out of no where I poke her cheeks then the other member laugh so Jennie giggled.As we look at the phone the comment box became crazy I mean blinks became crazy they throwing some positive comment while the other are not.I wrap my arm in Jennie's neck so I won't fell then she hug my waist.

"Hey I like your necklace Y/N-ah where's the lock?",Lisa said while eyeing my necklace so I pull it out then the two other girl look in it.

"Well the lock is in mine",Jennie spoke confidently and pull her necklace too.

"Woah why does the two of you have that stuff!!",Jisoo said while leaning two us and try two unlock it and then it work both of us look in shock when we saw the word inside.

"Mine?",Rosé said.

"W-we don't know about that I thought its just a design",I explain.

"Me too",Jennie agree while shut the open heart.

"Ohh your rings yahhh you have a lot of couple stuff!!!",Jisoo said while raising mine and Jennie's hand so the fans can saw it.

"Omo look at that its really adorable",Lisa said while looking at the rings.

"Of course I choose all of this and we buy this last night in street vendors",Jennie said while putting her chin in my shoulders.

"Ohhh so that's why so came home late last night",Jisoo said while shaking her head.

"Oh eonnie my jacket?",I ask her cause I remember she didn't give it back.

"I won't give it back Y/N/N",she said while pouting then I blush when I met her eyes.

"Ehem!!!!!",Lisa playfully said

"Lisa its to much of sweetness overhere gosh",Jisoo said while smirking.

"Eonnie-yah ants are coming",Rosé said while looking at the floor.

The three girls tease us so Jennie flick their forehead then they hold it and fake cry.They all laugh and then pay their attention in the phone.When I look on it I saw a lot of comments like JenY/N is real!!,Please let me leave,Y/N!! My baby leave Jennie's lap!!!!.I secretly laugh in their comments.

"Blinkeu watcha doing?",Rosé ask them while looking at the phone.

"Watching",Lisa said in different voice so they all laugh.

"I can't read the comments!!",Jennie desperately said so she get her phone then my eye landed at the plushie.

"Eonnie-yah!!unicorn can I have that please!!!",Lisa said while touching the plushie but Jennie slap her hand then I laugh.

"Guys Jennie is so selfish so mean",Jisoo said while faking her cry.

"Argh aniyo Y/N give this to me so find someone like her okay?",she said while looking at her phone cause she's reading the comments.

"Ohh?can I have some of Y/N in my life?",Lisa ask while pouting.

"Eonnie can I borrow her?",Rosé ask her but Kennie glare at her so she zip her mouth.

"Y/N let's change my lap is gettings sore",Jennie said then she stand up to change our position.I sit in couch then Jennie sit in my lap and I can feel her booty *smirk*.

"Blinks are getting hyper",she said while laughing when she read the comments.

"Blinks and Shine ship them I think I should support them too",Rosé said.

"Chae you didn't support us in first place?",Jennie aak her while faking her cry so Rosé was speechless.

The living room of YG building fill of laughter from us because of the other silky jokes. We talk a lot to their fans.When we finish I take my leave cause I want to have some rest at my house so they agreed.

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