Fight with Ley⭐

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Ley's pov

After were done in puma event interview we directly go back in our building to have some .My members are in cafeteria with Blackpink and iKON cause the boys said they want to talk with them cause they are bored.I left the cafeteria cause I need to finish my compose song so that Teddy-nim can help me to produce it.When I look for it at my drawer my whole blood start to boil cause I can't find it I search for it in almost in edge part of Y/N and mine's studio room.Its impossible that Y/N hide it cause she's not that one she does not give any shit in my stuff but maybe she did it in purpose.I burst out of our shared studio room and head to cafeteria I saw Y/N eating her food silently while the other are keep making some jokes.I go to her sit and punch my fist in her front which make the others stop from their shit but I don't give a care even if our seniors are her.Y/N look at me in a slow motion then when she caught my eyes she give me a dath glare.

"Where is my songs?",I madly ask her then she put her chopstick behind of her plate.

"Why are you asking me did you try to ask yourself where did you put your notes?",she ask me back in her cold tone.Her voice shiver in my whole body and it make my blood boiled more so close my eyes to control my temper.

"Why would I ask myself we both know that the other are not allow to enter our studio room sk don't fucking play with me Y/N Park!!!",I yelled to her which make her raise her eyebrow .

"Did you just yelled on me are you out of your mind Park Leinet how stupid are you to forget your fucking notes in our house then fucking accussing me to steal it how dare you stupid person",she yelled back

"Y/N watch your mouth!!",I heard Chaewa said as I remember they are still here.

"Oh yeah its just in our fucking house but why did you just curse me when you can say it in calm way",I ask her in sarcastic voice.

"I won't say that if you did not accuse me and how many times I told you that I don't like someone yell at me are you deaf Leinet or just a stupid?",She ask me but her words are too much so I grab her collar in raise it on me.

"Do you want to see whose stupid her Y/N Park?",I warned her.

"Yah yah move stop that childish fight its too much of immaturity.",Daewan said when she and Jaemin tried to pull me far away from Y/N.Y/N stand up and stroke her hair back ward.

"Girls calm down you can talk for it in a nice way",Hanbin oppa said while standing between of us.

"Why are you butting in oppa is this your business ?",I ask her then she look at me completely shock.Then he left and sit back to her seat.

"Say sorry to each other now",Chaewa said while sitting but her eyes are looking at us.

"I won't do that for pete's sake",Y/N said go back to her seat.

"Me as well she cursed me how could I easily forgive her",I protest.

"Pardon?You just accused me",she said not look at me.

"This is too much I am the leader here so follow everything what I said or else I will report this to sajangnim and ground the both of you.",Chaewa warned us and I can clearly saw her upset face.

"You can't control others life",Y/N said while looking at her which made our leader surprise.

"You know what Y/N you reach your limits as a punishment give me a 20 push up.",Chaewa madly told her pfftt treat you right my little sis.

"What the---

Before she could finish her words Chaewa already spoke.

"30 push up if you continue ",

Y/N groan in frustration she take her jacket off leaving her with her sport bra.Then she start to push up.

Jennie's pov

When I saw Y/N's reaction ago it made me surprise cause I don't know she have that side but seeing her in just a sport bra while doing push up it make me turn on wait what the hell Jennie Kim!!!!





I finally finish and end up laying in floor while catching my breath then someone throw me my jacket so I wear it not minding to zip the zipper.My sweat are flowing every inch in my face but I didn't wipe it cause its disgusting.

"Done your happy now?",I ask Chaewa while breathing very hard.

"Crazy",she said then stand up."Say sorry now",



"Fine sorry Y/N",she said but it was funny for me so I end up laughing.

"Why are you laughing",Chaewa ask me.

"She look more stupid when she was apolagizing",I answer then Daewan flick my forehead so I scream because of how its hurt.

"Anyway look I apologize in what I said ago and by the way I fix your english grammar cause its funny",I calmy said while wiping my imaginary tears came in my eyes from laughter.Suddenly she immediately sat in the chair in ny front.

"Did you fix it?thank you gosh I'm really stupid this is all my fault forgive me----

When Ley was about to finish her speech I reach her a spoon of chilli.

"Ahh",I said to her but then she look at me confuse but then she obey me so I put the one spoon of chilli in her mouth while laughing.

"You should apologize to Hanbin hyung cause you said bad words on him and anyway your words ago are just nothing for me I didn't even feel hurt or what",I proudly said while munching the chilli that I also put in my mouth.

"Ha-Hanbin o-ppaaa wahh this is so spicy!!!!! Oppa mianhe !!!",she said while fanning her mouth.

"Why you guys are keep in silent the show was done",I said while staring at them.

"You know how much I'm scared when you get mad right?",Erca said out of no where which made me choke.


"Ahhh nevermind by the way why did the two of you eat the chilli!!!",she said while pulling her hair.

"Its a punishment for us ",I said then drink a water.

"This is a childish fight I ever saw in my whole life",Jisoo said while shaking her head then we all laugh

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