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Third Person Pov

When the girls exit the building crowd of their fans are waiting for them.The girls wave to their fans who have their own camera in their hand.Y/N stand at the other side so the fans have a chance to see here in very near spot.She even hold and touch fans hand and sometime talk and thank them.She was busy posing while the fans are going to capture it but then Jennie came over and cling her arm over Y/N which made the latter startled for the second time.All fans are yelling and screaming their Ship name so they just smile happily knowing that their fans are still shipping them despite of the fake news.

"Jennie-yah go away from my wife!!!!",one fan yell so she look at her direction.Y/N follow what she did then smile to that fan but when Jennie saw that she get upset but she don't know why so she pull Y/N toward her and hug her body very tight which make the fans scream louder.The other girls are confuse why does they doing it in the front of their fans but they just ignore them and contine interacting to their Blinks.

"What are you doing?",Y/N whisper but Jennie ignore her and keep hugging her.

"Jennie eonnie are you sure you guys are not dating?",the fan ask her.

"Were not dating tho is this kind of moment are only for a couple?",she ask back then the fan shook her head.Y/N smile when she hear it but hurt in the same time.

"Y/N my baby saranghaeyo!!!!",someone shout from the back then Y/N just laugh because of their obsess.

"Nado saranghaeyo jagi!!!",She respond then whole crowd cheer she surely now that the person are blushing.

After she said it Jennie move away from Y/N while storm walking back to her other member.She follow Jennie by her eyes not knowing her fans might captured it.

"Jennie-ahh don't be jealous!!!!!",someone shout which make Y/N laugh a bit the fans saw her reaction ago so they tried to tease her

"I'm not jealous!!!",Jennie yelled back then the crowd fill with laugh but she got annoyed."Why all of you are laughing ?Y/N fix this!!!",she desperately said which they all find it cute.

"Shine stop it leave her alone she's was so smol",Y/N playfully said then they all laugh again.

"What did you say?",Jennie ask her then walk toward her direction.Y/N gulp because she doesn't know what will Jennie going to do.

"I'm just kid----

Before she could finish her sentence Jennie pinch her side so she yelp because of how its hurt.On other hand Jisoo,Rosé and Lisa keep looking at them as they watching a Kdrama.

Other fans reach them a cute stuff Jennie got a unicorn hat so she suit it which make the Blink squeal because of her cuteness.Jisoo got a cute dog plushie which she probably give it to dalgom.Rosé fans give her an avocado stuff toy she cringe at first but she finally realize that it was really cute so she just hug it,Lisa has a two cat plushie so she squeal because she really love cats while Y/N got a rabbit headband so she suit and do some cute pose which made Shine aroused and get crazy because she was not going to do it in  purpose.They didn't waste sometime to let that scene pass because its just one time in their life.Someone throw an unicorn stuff toy to Y/N which she gladly accept but in other hand the person who was really obsess of unicorn came to her and pull it which made Y/N surprise.

"This will be mine",she said then left her in there.Y/N laugh becase of her cuteness she just let her get it because she love seeing Jennie smile.

When they done doing some fan service they finally leave and enter their van while the fans are keep reaching them some cute plushie which they gladly accept.

Let analyze what happen ago did Y/N disappoint when Jennie left her?Did Jennie got jealous when she hear Y/N respond to her fan?This is very confusing.

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