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Y/N's pov

I go towards my shared studio with Ley and eat my foods.I keep smiling like an idiot while thinking over Jennie why does she act like that she's very crazy but  I'm out of my mind.

Jennie's pov

I don't why but I was very upset when I saw her with other girl last night."You can do it anytime eonnie","Your wierd eonnie I like that".That sentence won't leave my mind it keep distacting me like hell.Well she told that I can kiss her anytime so let see.

"Jenduek what's the matter?",Jisoo ask me.

"Nothing",I said then lean in our couch.

"Your in deep thought isn't you?",Lisa said while hugging my side.Gosh am I obvious?

"Agh fine I'm just thinking of Y/N said ago it keep  distracting me",

"Oh?what did she said then?",Rosé ask me while munching her snack.Should I open it to them?

"Its embarassing just forget it I'll give her a very great punishment",I said while smirking and think of what punishment I'll give to her.

"Wow its seems you both are getting close",Jisoo tease me.

"Is it bad?",I ask her while raising my eyebrow.

"I won't ever wonder if one day they end up together",she said which made me look at her.

"Yah they look adorable right also I find Y/N cute when she's smiling and sexy when she's serious",Rosé said while admiring Y/N in her thought so I throw her a plushie which made her startled.

"Stop admiring her crazy",I said then she smirk at me.

"Fine fine what a possessive Nini",she said then run to the kitchen.

"Eonnie do you like her?",Lisa ask me out of no where which made me froze.Did I like her ?No?its impossible right.

"I don't know",I simply answer her and stand up to go in my room.

"Noooo Its a yes eonnie!!!",Lisa shout from the living room which made other two girls laugh at her.

Y/N's pov

When I finish compose my  song I immediaty go back in our house cause I feel sleepy.When I arrive I take a bath and change into my pajamas.I lay in my bed and ready to swallowed by the darkness but it stop when I heard my phone buzz.I get my phone and open it and I saw a n unknown number text me.


Treat me a lunch tomorrow no but no if.

Seen 9:15 pm


Excuse me who are you to disturb me in my sleep do I know the hell of you?

Send 9:16 pm


Its me idiot how could you forget me I'll wait you in my practice room tomorrow or else.

Seen 9:17 pm

Oh so its her my lovely Jennie.I change her name in my contact so I won't confuse.


Or else what eonnie?

Send 9:18 pm

My boss💕

My boss?pfftt funny or else you'll do everything I want you to do everytime you have your rest

Seen 9:19 pm


Is this a turtore eonnie?then fine I'll bring you a lunch tomorrow happy?yeah?can I sleep now?Don't reply anymore I won't reply night❤

Send 9:20 pm

My Boss💕

Its not a torture !!!

Send 9:21pm



Send 9:22 pm

I throw my phone and rest in my pillow.I told her not to reply what a stubborn well I reply too stupid.I like it we're having our closure and it will make me easy to confess.

A/n:6 chapter for this day hope you guys love it don't forget to vote and follow me so it
will motivate me to write.


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