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Third pov

When the van reach the YG building the 6 girls get out and enter the building.The staff greeted them so they greet them back as well.Jennie want to meet her members cause she want to tell them about her relationship with Y/N.

"Baby I just go to the girls and let's meet in lunch time ",Jennie said to her lover.

"Yeah sure just take care",Y/N said then hug her.

Jennie left her and headed to their group practice room when she enter the beat of music almost break her eardrum because it was too loud.

"Jennie eonni!!",Lisa yell when she saw first the latter at the door covering its ear so Jisoo on other hand low the volume.

"Girls I want to tell you something important",Jennie started so her members gather io and sit in the middle of the room and then Jennie join them.

"What is it ?",Jisoo ask her while drinking her water.

"Kai and I broke up because of Y/N but I didn't sue her cause we're in relationship now",Jennie said then Jisoo choke in her water

"What?you and Y/N are together are you kidding me Jennie Kim",Jisoo said in shock then Jennie chuckle.

"I knew it see we didn't get wrong remember last time when they keep bickering each other because of the little things so well they in up together",Rosé said while chuckling.

"Ahh yeah I remember that they are undefeated its funny cause they both cold and savage but they in up together just imagine their relationship ",Lisa said  while laughing so Jennie hit her with Jisoo's bottle.

"I will kill you Manoban!!",Jennie give her a glare so she shut up."Anyway we will tell  sajangnim about us so I will left now",

"Goodluck eonnie just remember we're in your back",Jisoo shout when Jennie close the door.

Its not lunch time but the couple met so they could plan what to say to their boss.

"Babe will Mr.Yang agree?",Y/N ask her.

"He will",Jennie respond so Y/N smile widely.

"I know it I just testing you",Y/N said while laughing so Jennie hit her shoulder.

"Your so mean let's just go on his office.",

The couple start walking and head to Yang Hyun Sik's office When they are in his door they both breath heavily then smile.Y/N knock the door and heard him from inside so tgey open it and YG surprise when he saw the two artist.

"What's the problem?",He boldly ask while laughing.But Y/N just give him a straight blank face.

"Its not a problem for us sajangnim but maybe for you",Jennie started.

"Spill it",Their boss said while leaning in his palm.

"We're in relationship",Y/N said calmly then YG fell in his palm tgen face the two girls.

"Your two are dating?when?I just confirm to the public about Kai and Jennie",he said.

"Last night I talk to  Kai then he understand me so he let go of me and then here me and Y/N are both happy and content",Jennie said while laughing.

"But make sure there will be nothing change to the both of you as an artist and you know the other people are not open minded about LGBT just don't mind them we can handle them",He said while smiling .

"Thank you Mr.Yang",Y/N said while smiling.

"I will inform your fans about this I wish my notifiaction won't flood.",he laugh in his joke then Jennie and I both bid our goodbye to him and leave his room smiling.

Y/N's pov

After of our conversation to YG-nim Jennie and I go to the roof to breath some fresh air.

"This roof now everything about us from how we both became friend until we became couple",Jennie said while facing her back to me cause she was looking at the whole city.I came to her place and back hug her.

"Well let's build our house here",I said while laughing then she chuckle.

"We shouold get married first",She said while leaning in my body.

"Did you mean that?",I seriously ask her then she nod.

"Even if your not my first you'll be my last",she said while smiling .

"I keep that words and I will remember that to you if you did wrong",I warn her then she chukled.

"Nope I won't do wrong",She said then turn around and face me.


"I promise",she said then tiptoed and staring at my lips lovingly.

"I will trust you Jen",I said then she smile.

"I love you Y/N Park",she utter finally I heard the words I wish to hear in how many years.

"I love you too Jennie Kim",I reply then lean in her face so our lips met.


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