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Y/N's pov

After I confess I immediately go to the restroom and breath really hard cause finally after of many years I confess but sadly I didn't let her finish her word.I was thinking if I could still go outside after of the scene ago but I'm shy cause I might saw her.Argh I can do this.I step out of the restroom and act normal but then one staff approach at me.

"Y/N-ssi your brother is here for you his on the living room with your members and Blackpink too.",she said then left me.Well who was that brother.I go to the living room and hear of laugh and convo.The staff said Blackpink is in there its mean she's in there too argh how could I go in there??.

"Y/N/N ~why you took so long",oh its Chanyeol and he did bring Kai huh.Well everyone Kai is my bestfriend cause everytime I visit Chanyeol hyung he always  talk to me a lot and his very kind and humble guy.

"Hey sorry",I reply when I reach the living room my eye first landed to Jennie then she saw me too but I look away.

"Awww we won't accept sorry Y/N hyung",Kai hyung said then put his arm in my shoulder when I sat between them but I elbow his side so he put down his arm and then chuckle.

"Y/N your brother are so interesting off stage than on stage",Daewa sid while sipping her drinks.

"Really? but his stupid if you only know",I calmly then Chanyeol hyung put his both palm in his face and make a wierd face to me.

"I'm not stupid I'm cute hmmpp!!~~",he said while pouting but then I rolled my eye.

"Kai you should throw this lost guy I don't even know him his so wierd look at him,he seems came from in jungle",I playfully said while leaning to Kai then he laugh.

"He has that habit if his with you don't you remember?",Kai ask me.

"I don't even his name I forgot this is frustrating",I said while massaging my forehead.

"Awww Y/N your so mean to your brother the truth is he was so soft and adorable and he has lot of fun not like you",Nhovie said then I glare to her so she stick out her tongue.

"Y/N has lot of fun tho right ?",Kai fight for me.

"Anyway what are you doing here?",I ask my hyung then he fix himself.I know this he has a news.

"Well I just came here cause Dad will came back from America",He said while smiling them I turn my head to him in shock.

"Did I misheard something if not then when and where is it o my god Daddy will be home I miss him!!!!!",I said while punching his arm .

"Yah stop that!!!maybe its next day or another next day he said this week so just wait for him okay?",He said then I nod like a little kid.

"Y/N can we see your Dad we doesn't see him ",Ley ask me.

"Ahhh you know argh fine ",I said the truth is I don't want them to know my Dad cause if they know everything they might treat me something special.

"You seem not agree are you hiding something from us",Erca ask me in suspicious look

"Hide your ass",I said then throw her the empty bottle which she caught it.

"Anyway can I talk to you in private?",Chanyeol ask me so I nod then we left the living room and go in not so crowded place.

"Dad want to go here in your CEO building ",he said

"But he might expose",I said .

"Then it will be easy for you so people will stop asking you about our Dad",

"Well you have some points then fine let's this reveal",

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