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Third Pov

The girls having their fun inside of the of car while their van heading to the restaurant which Rosé recommend cause she said she's hungry.The van stop which mean they reach the their destination.They get out of the van then put their mask on their face to avoid attention from paparazzi.

"Guys I'll just order then you guys can choose our table",Ley said but before she left Rosé insist to go with here so Y/N and Jennie left.Jennie look for some empty table that suit for the four of them.Y/N follow her then they sit in their chair Jennie sit in right side while Y/N is left the gap of them block by the table.

Y/N pov's

It was very awkward with me and her there's no one making a convo cause she's busy using her phone and I don't want to disturb her .She pull down her mask and left it in her chin and I can clearly saw her pretty face that I always admire everytime.Her brown cat eye seems sparking her nose is so cute her cheeks are so fluffy that attempt me to pinch it and lastly her kissable lips I wonder what its taste but my thougth cut when she spoke.

"You really love staring at me aren't you?",she said while staring my eyes then smile.

"What I didn't know what are you saying ",I lie then look away and then lean in my chair.

"C'mon your so obvious Y/N stop denying okay?",she smile at me playfully then pinch my cheeks which make surprise.

"Yahh stop it,its hurt",I said while trying to pull away her hand but she stand up and pinch my both cheeks while smiling.

"You have a very fluffy cheeks Y/N-ah~i love it",she said then sit back in her chair while I keep rubbing my cheeks.Before I could say something the two girls came with tray in their hand  I wonder why did the waiter didn't help them.

"Hey why are guys carrying this tray is there no waiter here?",Jennie ask them while helping the poor girls.

"Tsk don't question me",Ley said in sarcastic voice then sit in my side.

"Eonnie the truth is the waiter who should the one who carry this trays caress my hand then Ley get upset and they have small argue at the counter",Rosé explain which Jennie give her a hum as a respond.I really feel that there is something between this two but I will confirm it with my eyes.

"Any way...... I'm hungry",I said so they look at me in unison then I heard Jennie's chuckled.We eat in silence cause were all hungry and its already lunch time.They order some korean beef soup and rice this is tasty but not delicious cause I don't eat beefs.I'm done eating my food so I fix my things and chill the three girls are having their conversation then Ley say a joke which made them laugh but Jennie choke in her food so I give her a glass of water.

"Thank you",she say then I just nod but my eye caught the little dirt in her lips I didn't hesitate to come near in her face to clean it.

"You have something beneath your lips",I said then wipe my thumb in her right lips then I lick it.After I did it I sit back and then I look at her to find out she has her jaw drop.

"What was that Y/N?",Ley ask me so I look at her and saw that she has the same reaction of Jennie and also Rosè eonnie.

"We should not waste some foods and eonnie you should not laugh when your eating",I said in serious tone not looking at them.

After they done eating their food we exit the resto and ride their van.Their driver bring us in our house so when we arrive we give each other goodbyes and hug.

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