Fake news⭐

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Jennie's pov

After we arrive in our house I put the different kind of sweets at the table in living room.Where now watching some disney movie which Rosé recommend.

"Eonnie why did you buy all of this you might get diabetes and it has lot of calories",Lisa ask me while hugging her cat .

"Well FYI I'm not the one who buy all of this okay Y/N bought it",I proudly say which make her look at me in surprise.

"Oh really?that was so sweet tho are you guys are friend now?",

"Yeah we are I also spend my night with her last night",

"Woah",she say in disbelief cause why not Y/N is not easy to get person you need to tame with her which I did properly so the result we are friends now.

"She also call Y/N as her bodyguard cause she is in all black outfit and you know what Lis Y/N lick her thumb after wiping Jennie's lips",Rosé butting in then I heard a squealed and laugh from Jisoo and  Lisa but I don't know I feel my blood rising up in my face what's going on?

"Do they look couple?",Jisoo ask Rosé.

"Yeah they are",she answer while smiling widely then I throw her the pillow from my chest.

"Stop it guys",I protest because if I didn't say it they will keep teasing me until morning.

After of the movie marathon I go to my room and get my phone to check what is going on but then when I open it I saw a lot of notification from my social media.I wonder why so because of my curiousity I open one of it and read the comment.

Lejendueke👑:are they dating??anyone tell me!!!!my gay side is rising!!🙀
JenLisaismylife❤:I think I should change my profile name now  if they ever dating I will support this two omaygod!!
Mandu_Jendueke03:Jennie and Y/N will be a very powerful couple in the worlllddddddd look how cute they are gosh I'm dead
JenY/N⭐:I already change mines yeah yeah
Blackpinktrash:maybe they just a friend what a delusional people

My eyes widen when I read all of their comment I search for the picture that they talking about and dang it.Its me and Y/N in the store its the picture when I pull down her mask and take my shade while the other one is when we are in resto they capture us when I was busy in my phone while Y/N keep staring at me she is crazy see If she deny that she didn't stare at me then let her saw this pic to prove me.I don't know but I get blush when I saw the picture that I keep pinching her cheeks I saw it very cute I hope she will feel the same as mine wait omy god Jennie Kim!!!what are thinking are you out of your mind?Yes.


My whole body is uncontrol after I saw the viral picture of mine and Jennie I don't know what to do I was asking help from my members but they keep teasing me as if they know that I have feeling for her.I'm just acting that I'm really concern in this issue but duh I love it.

"Chaewa!!!!!what should I do fans are getting crazy now my phone won't stop beeping",I said acting like scared one.

"Just tell them that there is nothing between eonnie and you so they will stop disturbing you in your sleep ",Chaewa said while wiping some tears in her eyes because they keep reading some comment from that fake news.

"Its not easy Cha what if Jennie saw this arghhhhh",

"Then ask some help from sajangnim",Daewan said after laughing.

After she said it I run to my room and squeal because of happiness but still worried cause I don't know what will be sajangnim's reaction.I open my phone and my brother number pop out.

Bo Gummy:hey when?

Me:what do you mean?

Bo Gummy:stop acting I'm the only actor here I was talking about the issue.

Me:oh so it already spread very fast.

Bo Gummy:answer me now


Bo Gummy:Fine what?

Me:its a misuderstanding were not dating and were just a friend actually Ley and Rosé eonnie is with us but they left us

Bo Gummy:So your making a move if both of you are alone huh.

Me:what the of course I'm not

Bo Gummy:I know you Y/N Park~

Me:You know what if you keep saying that I should hung up.

I throw my phone and lay in my bed to calm myself I should enjoy this time right lol.Suddenly my phone buzz so I pick it up and Mr.Yang name pop out.


Mr.Great:can I heard your side?I already ask Jennie about this she said you guys are not a thing is she's right?

Me:ah yeah were just a friend when that picture capture ago Rosé eonnie and Ley is with us but they left us in the counter then at the resto eonnie keep annoying me.

Mr.Great:Is that so I should explain everything right now I hung up

I feel sad when I said it my happiness will end aish.I open my insta and the first thing I saw is the YG ent. post.

We ask the two artist about the viral pictures they explain everything that there was nothing with them beside of being a friend so all of you should calm down and support the two artist thank you-YG ent. official account

After they post it other fans say some positive and negative comment but I ignore it well let's bring up Jisoo eonnie iconic line "Blinks are easy to fool".

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