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Jennie's pov

I look over Y/N and saw her sleeping peacefully but I know she struggle too much because of me.Our eyes met in how many times and I saw how much of pain she carried.I feel bad to her I don't want her to see everything but Kai will wonder so I just did.When Kyungsoo oppa ask her why does her eyes is red she lied.I know she cry in restroom when she left us in table I follow her with my eyes and I saw she directly go in restroom.She doesn't deserve me I'm stupid I did love her I realize it one night before I sleep she made me happy more than Kai did in just a couple of day what if she's with me everyday maybe I'm always happy 24/7.I also though about breaking up with Kai for Y/N but I don't want him to be hurt but I already hurt Y/N and guess what they just a bestfriend but Y/N is still humble I should fix this.

Kai drive in his unusual speed so Y/N who was sleeping made her body turn in my side and about fell so I caught her arm and let her head lean in my shoulder.She was snoring which made me giggle cause she look adorable.I look at her face her long eye lashes made her eyes look more pretty,her pointed nose always turn red when she cried so her other members tease her as rodolph,her pinky lips is very attractive I'm curious of what its taste like.I remember how we became friend she keep staring at me did I get blush of it?No right but I realize I should blush but its too late and also when we have our late night walk she was so sweet and I never felt that feeling with Kai.I realize that I already love her but I didn't notice it maybe bacause I'm with Kai.I want to talk to Kai immediately well the two other peopke here are asleep maybe its right time.

"Kai",I called him in my unusual voice .

"Hmm?",he hummed while driving.

"Do you know how much I love you right?",I said so he look at the front mirror then nod.

"Yeah and I love you too",he said while smiling so I smile too.

"Kai I love you but I love someone very much",I said so he was shock so he stop the car beside the street and lean in his car reminiscing the words I said."Listen carefully okay I don't want to hurt the both of you I hurt her cause she just confess her feeling in the first day before we reveal our relationship and lastly I will hurt you cause I gonna choose her Kai 4 months with you is the happiest memory I have but in just a couple day with her she can do everything what you did to me in that 4 months in just week I didn't realize that I already fall inlove to her because I'm with you I hope you understand me",I continously said while he was just listening.

"Is that girl was Y/N?",I get surprise  when he said that how could he know its her?

"Yes",I simply answer while looking at his back.

"I knew it I'm her diary Jen she always talk to me about the girl she love which is you I just found out it when I finally met and date you",he said

"I wonder if you already that its me why does you date me don't you think your bestfriend will be hurt?",I ask him in sarcastic voice so he chuckle.

"I have my excuse first If I date you I want to know if she stop talking about you but unfortunately she didn't second I test her love for you just like ago in mall I plan it and I know she cry and I know you know it too.Do you saw her reaction when I kiss you in her front?she was hurt and pain I keep giving her a stare she was speechless do you ever wonder why she insist to come with me in mall?she keep looking at us right?well I know how much she loves you I'm just waiting for you saying those words",He said looking at me while smiling.

"Kai",I said lowly

"Shh I'm fine Jen I will get over in these I'm happy cause your with her now she's very kind Jen she's just acting cold outside but she's very caring inside she was easily get hurt and soft don't hurt her I know I'm her rival but look she didn't break our friendship right she's very humble",Kai said so my tears start to flow in my face I'm lucky cause I met him he'svery kind too I'm happy he understand me.

"Don't cry Y/N doesn't like seeing someone cry",He said then wipe my tears with his hand.

"Jennie saranghae",Y/N said out of the blue so me and Kai chuckled.

"See when she's sleeping she still dreaming of you",He said playfully so I blush."Anyway stay with her tonight Jen she will be happy when she woke up and saw you ",.

"Sounds great I just tell my members",I said then open my phone and Kai start the engine and drive I message the three girls that I will stay to Y/N's group's house.

"Where here",Kai said then off the engine we didn't wake her up so she will surprise tomorrow.Kai carry her in his shoulder and we walk to their doorway and I knock.

"Just a second",someone yell then open the door.

"Omaygod what hap---

"Shhhh",I cover her mouth with my hands so she nod .

"I'll stay here Nhov ",I said then Nhov raise her eyebrow.

"Why?",she ask.

"Just let us enter first okay?",Kai said then enter their house and headed to Y/N'room which has a warning 'do not enter I throw shoe' she's crazy.

When we enter her room my mouth form a O cause of her bedroom design she has lot of stuff toys and cute stuff her things are organize.Kai put her in her bed.

"Jen i'll let her to you I will leave now",he said then left the room but Nhovie enter while crossing her arm.

"Eonnie why are you going to sleep here do you have no one with you in your house?",

"Nope I just want to sleep with her so can I rest too?",I playfully said then she furrow her eyebrow.

"Eonnie I think Y/N will----

Before she could finish her words one pillow fly over her so she shut up.

"Get out what are doing here?your so noisy!",Y/N said while her eyes are still close do I just giggled.Then Nhovie left the room so I came in there and lock it.I walk to her bed and saw her in her situation.I take off her shoes and put it in her shoes area.She's still in her outdoor suit so I get her a pajama and start undressing her but I close my eyes because I'm shy.I sigh very hard when I finally finish her wearing a pajama.I realize that I haven't change so maybe its not bad to borrow her pajama right?I get up and go to her bathroom I feel relax when I smell the rose petals she's very extraordinary.I take a half bath and smile when I remember I'm not in my house but I did something like this in other house.When I'm done in bathroom I go back to the bed and lay down beside her I cover ourself a blanket and I hug her very tight I close my eyes and asleep.

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