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Y/N's still pov

"Hey Y/N you okay?why are you tearing ?",Ley ask me in worried voice.I didn't  notice that there was a tears flow in my eyes what a numb.I wipe it and answer her.

"Nothing Ley I just remember something"

"Ohh okay then lets go?",she ask me not knowing that we already arrive in our destination.We get out of the taxi then par the driver.I make sure to fix my mask so no one can familiarize us her then if it happen were both dead.When I was to enter the store Ley spoke up and drag my wrist to stop me.

"Ah Y/N were going to wait someone here okay",

"Who is it?",I ask her cause I only know is to buy some stuff here and not meeting up with someone.

"Just wait okay oh look they here",she answer me then look at person she mention.In my curiousity I also look in the direction she's looking and saw the two girls who seems very familiar to me hmm don't tell me its them!!.

"Hey sorry were late no one could come with me though I just please to eonnie ",The tall girl said which I recognize her voice .

"Its okay Rosé eonnie we just arrive before you and actually I'm suppose to be alone here but I beg to this lazy person ",Ley said while looking at me then I elbow her.

"Oh is that you Y/N?your in all black huh I like that I really like black you look like grim ripper",the short girl said in her sweet voice.You only like my outfit but not me how tragic this one don't worry if you like black I love you .

"Yeah we already tease her in our house",Ley said while laughing and clinging her arm in Rosè eonnie.

"But if we put this black shade",Jennie said then aproach on me she tip toe because I was pretty tall than her then she put the shade in my eyes I almost faint in her scent she has a sweet scent I want to smell more of it I bend down to smell her perfume but sadly she back out  when she done fixing her shade in my face gosh I'm already addicted in your scent Jennie."Tadaa!!you look like body guard now",she said while laughing then I heard the other two girl laugh I secretly chuckle in what did she do.

"Jennie's body guard~",Ley said playfully which I then give her a glare.

"Ohh yeah you should be my body guard so stay in my side and protect me everyday",she said while crossing her arms like a boss she's really look adorable.From now on I will be your body guard and I will stay in your side not just today but forever if I confess in you at the right time just wait for it Jen.

"Guys I think we should buy now I'm getting hungry",Rosé eonnie said while dragging Ley inside the store which they got the attention of the other costumers.When I was to have my step someone spoke up.

"Are you going to leave your boss here?",she said trying to hold her laugh ohhh I like this game.

"Nahhh just walking around cause I won't ever let my gorgeous boss get hurt pfft",I said while faking my laugh cause I really mean what did I say.But then she look away and look down I wonder why maybe she get blush?oh gosh stop assuming Y/N Park you won't grow.

"This is funny but let's go inside",she sad then enter the store I follow her cause I don't know where is Ley and Rosé eonnie.I'm just walking but my eye is scanning the different kind of candies and chocolate but then I bump to someone.

"Hey Y/N do you think this one is good?",Jennie ask me while looking up cause I'm quiet tall than her but the problem is she's too near I hear my heart beat so fast inside my body.

"Ahh yeah maybe but its good if you taste it right?",I said while turning around before I fell in the ground.

"Ahh then buy me this one",she said in bossy voice what is she trying to do?.

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