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As I come too, I look around and see I am lying in a bed and I see that familiar silhouette sitting in the chair next to my bed, and I hear him talking.  "Yeah, she is here...no when I saw her she was crying and I kept asking her why and next thing I know she passed out in my arms...what do you mean she probably hasn't slept in 24 hours...mom, what the hell happened...fine I guess I will wait till she wakes up...no I haven't talked to him...Well, first I had class then a study group.  I was hanging out with some of the guys when she found me...yeah, I promise I will take care of her.  Tell Max she if fine...No, if she wants me to come home with her, I will...OK, goodnight mom give everyone my love...bye."  I look up and touch his shoulder. He spins around, and I instantly throw myself into his arms.  "Shelly, what is going on?  Why do you keep crying?  You're scaring me here."  I look up at him, and I started sobbing and couldn't get out what I needed to tell him.  "Please tell me what is going on. I am freaking out here."

I take a deep breath and finally get everything under control.  I look up at him and start to tell him why I am here and why I can't seem to stop crying.


Things have been off for a while.  I don't understand why I never noticed before yesterday that things were changing.  There were little things like how he hugged me or held my hand.  Even how he would reach up and brush the hair out of my face.  I didn't know until it was too late.  There we were doing something we had done every day for as long as I can remember when all of a sudden he started tickling me and wouldn't stop until I told him he was more important to me than his brother.  "Dude stop I can't breath."  "Ah, come on Shelly tell me you love me more than my brother."  "No, never."  "Ah, you know you do."  "Stop, please."  After finally pushing him off the bed I jump up and run out the door and started to dart into the one bedroom I was safe in only to be stopped and pulled up against a chest and to feel lips crash against mine and a tongue sweeping inside my mouth as I gasp in shock.  I push away only to have him hold me tighter and to whisper in my ear "please Shells I love you.  Give me a chance to prove I am the one for you.  Please let me be the one that holds you and kisses you."  As he tries to connect our lips again, I shove him harder only to watch him tumble down the stairs as tears spill down my face.

I see everyone come running in from all over the house since we were having a family dinner and I just glare at him from the top of the stairs and yell "how could you? You know I love Noah.  Why Lee why would you kiss me when you know I am marrying your brother this summer?  Don't ever speak to me again. I never want to see you again."  When he couldn't answer me, I ran home grabbed a bag and packed it before grabbing my purse and all my money running out the door as I call the airline and book a one-way ticket to Boston to the one person I need more than anything my fiancee Noah Flynn.


I look up at Noah after telling him, and he pulls me into his arms.  "Oh, baby just let it out."  I look up at him "Are you ok?" "Hell no, my fucking brother kissed my fiancee.  At least now I know why you shoved him down the stairs.  So that you know you broke his leg."  "I didn't mean to shove him down the stairs.  I was just trying to push him off of me.  It felt so wrong I was disgusted it really did feel like I was kissing my twin."  "It is ok baby.  Look you can't stay here even though it is a co-ed dorm I am not allowed a female in my room after 10 pm.  I spoke to my mom she is getting us a room at the hotel next door let me pack a bag, and we can head there now."  "Ok.  I love you, Noah."  "I love you too Shelly baby."

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