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After coming back from our honeymoon, it wasn't long before we all headed off to Boston.  Well Noah and myself.  While we were away, Lee was accepted to The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, and since Sue was attending school there as well in their health services center, he decided to go since he was awarded a full scholarship and only received a partial from MIT.  I cried and clung to Lee before he boarded the plane "I will miss you, Twin."  "I will miss you as well Twin, but this will be good for us." "What do you mean?"  "Twin we have been with each other almost every day of our lives.  Yeah, when you went to soccer camp, we were separated but only for a few weeks.  This will be the first time we will be separated for a few months."  "I know I will miss you so much."  I felt Noah's arms wrap around my waist "Shelly baby Lee is right; this will be good for you two.   I know the two of you have been together since birth, but you dorks can't be together forever."  I giggle and stick my tongue out at Noah "Lee, and I will be together always and forever."  Lee puffs up his chest "we will always be together always and forever."  "I pull out of Noah's arms and wrap my arms around Lee."  NO matter what Lee Lee I will always be here for you I don't care what time it is you can always call me."  "Unless we are busy practicing for your future niece or nephew."  I smack Noah "not funny."  "Yeah bro that is so gross."

We soon hear over the PA Lee's plane being called "remember Shell's that since you will be in Boston and I will be in Edinburg, we will only be an hour  difference."  "That is right. I will only be an hour ahead instead of the three hours with the rents."  "Well bye love you both."  I watched Lee Lee and clung to Noah "What am I going to do without him."  "Do exactly what you both need to learn to do."  "What is that baby?"  "To be on your own.  To rely on your spouses."  "True I have you now."

Noah threw his arm around my shoulders as we walked out to his jeep.  I couldn't help but giggle "I still find it funny how Lee is so protective of his Mustang he wouldn't drive it one last time before he left for school."  "Yeah, I know he has never let me drive his Mustang once."  Once we made it to the jeep  "hard to believe that in one week we will be in Boston."  As we took off, I couldn't help but smile that soon we will be working hard to build our future.  Once we arrived at the Flynn's June came out "so, did Lee get off ok."  I smiled "yeah, June he did."  She hugged me "I know sweety but you two can't be attached at the hip forever."  "I know June especially since Noah, and I are married now it is just that we have been together since the day we were born."  "I know, but this will help you two grow."  I smirked, "That is what Noah said."  "What can I say I raised a smart son."

The next few days we spent with the family, and I made sure to take Brad out just the two of us because all of us leaving was really affecting him.  "Shelly what am I going to do without you three."  "Take one day at a time, Brad."  "I am going to miss you.  I have just become used to you not being in your room where I can jump on your bed to wake you up in the mornings."  I giggle "yeah, I missed that when I moved in with Noah."  "Will you be upset or will Noah if I were to facetime you."

"Hell, no Brad.  Noah and I plan on concentrating on our studies, our sports and just being married.  We will not be annoyed if you called us.  Besides he knows he will never win when it comes to you.  You are my baby brother.  I will always love you."  "Do you think mom is upset that you and Lee won't be together."  I laughed "no Brad mom always knew it was Noah I was going to end up with as my husband.  So I am sure she feels the same way June does, and that is Lee, and I need to learn to rely on the people we marry."  Brad chuckled "Yeah but you have it easier since you have always known Noah."  "True so true."  "What school do you think mom would want me to go to when it is my turn?"  I laughed "your dream school Brad just like the three of us.  Noah and I were lucky that our dream school was the same."  "Yeah, but look at Lee he went to his girlfriend's dream school."  I laughed "truth be told The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley was always Lee's dream school MIT was his second choice."  "Why would he prefer The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley?"  "Because he has always wanted to visit Texas plus the weather is similar to LA, and the beach is only about an hour away from where he is staying."

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